What about your city do you love? I know why I love Toronto, but I’d probably take up the entire length of the main page to go into details, so I’ll sit this discussion out.
Seriously, is there something in your city that makes you feel like it’s the best city to live in? Or is there another city you’ve been to that you think is much better?
I’m asking these questions because it says something about a person as to what they value most in a city. What that something is I have no clue, Sean is the pretend doctor for BME, not me (he is a shrink right?). Think about some of the commercials for cities you’ve seen on TV. They’re out there, although most are state driven, I can assure you that every major city has a department dedicated to promoting their city as the best place to live. The reason for that is simple, more people = more tax dollars for the city. While the people in the streets may be shouting to the rooftops about how overcrowded the city is, to a bureaucrat behind a desk, all he hears are the potential revenue dollars brought in by new arrivals.
All those reasons you thought of when determining if your city was a great place to live? Well some ad agency has already gone over those and prioritized them to which demographic would be suited best by hearing specific points, while downplaying others. Lots of schools is a great incentive to young families, but would be something that could potentially drive away singles and older couples. It’s a delicate balancing act completely focused on one goal, making the city money.
So where do we fall into the equation? Us modded types fall into every demographic. Young/old, male/female, straight/queer, single/married, seniors/small children, and so many more. What could possibly be a single point that could attract us to one city over another?
I’m going to guess most city planning departments don’t take us into account, or at least just lump us into a generic demographic without realizing that while we may be members of every possible demographic, we also consist of one of our own. The one we choose. The one that says to the world, we’re in control of ourselves. So who is going to look out for us? Make sure our needs are satisfied when deciding to relocate? Well, for the most part, we have each other. Part of what makes this community so strong is that we’re open with each other, we’re honest about most things (I’m talking generalities, not specific interpersonal dynamics).
Well, it looks like someone over at MSNBC decided to take a look to see if there was something that they could do to show (at least a portion of) the modded community that there are cities that could possibly be appealing.
Whether you approve of tattoos or not, some of the world’s sexiest men and women — from Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox to Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt — sport ink. This made us wonder — where in the world do most of the tattooed bods in America live? To figure out which U.S. cities were the most tattoo-friendly, we perused chat forums and looked up every state in several public directories, including Yellow Pages, Google listings, Tattoo Yellow Pages and AAA Tattoo Directory, to find those with the most listed tattoo and permanent makeup shops. Then we looked up which cities in those states had the most shops listed per capita with populations based on latest U.S. Census numbers. We also took into consideration the city’s demographics and whether or not it hosted tattoo conventions, remembering that not all tattoo parlors were listed in the directories.
Now of course you’re wondering which cities made the top ten. I could make you go read the full article, but instead I’ll give you just the listing of the cities. If you’re curious as to why these cities made the top ten, head on over to MSNBC to read up on it.
So without further ado, “The Top Ten Most Tattooed Cities in America”.
- 10. Los Angeles, CA
- 9. Kansas City, MO
- 8. Honolulu, Hawaii
- 7. San Francisco, CA
- 6. Austin, TX
- 5. Portland, OR
- 4. Flint, MI
- 3. Richmond, VA
- 2. Las Vegas, NV
And finally, in the number one position… Miami Beach, FL!
Did your city make the list?
Actually, forget that last question. What I am really curious to know is, now that you know these rankings, would they impact your decision to move to any of those cities?
Personally, I’m staying in Toronto. We are the center of the universe after all.