October is just about over, but there’s still time for one last edition of the ModBlog News of the Week for the month. Before we get started, I just wanted to thank everyone who sent in stories this week, Taylor, Christian, Lauranomaly, Botexty, and Nexizydrate to name a few. Submitting an article is easy, all you have to do is click here and fill out the boxes.
The first story today was submitted about 10 times, so there way no way it wouldn’t kick off the news of the week.
I’m sure most tattooed people, as well as artists, have joked around about getting tattooed with a penis instead of the intended design. It’s that running gag that nobody ever acts on. Until now.
Police allege the man, who was not a professional tattooist, talked his friend into having the tattoo while the friend was visiting him at home. After the 25-year-old victim got home, he was horrified to discover the tattoo was far from what he expected. Instead of a Yin and Yang symbol with some dragons, the tattoo featured a 40cm-long image of a penis and a slogan implying he was gay. He contacted police and they charged the 21-year-old Bundamba man with assault occasioning bodily harm.
I looked everywhere for an image of the tattoo, but it seems that most mainstream news sources have some policy against posting pictures of dicks. How lame is that? But wait, the story gets better.
Police allege the tattooing followed a disagreement between the pair that culminated with the Bundamba man taking offence at something the victim said. Ipswich CIB Detective Constable Paul Malcolm said the victim was extremely upset. “Apparently he went round to the other bloke’s house and somehow in the course of the conversation the subject of tattoos came up,” Const Malcolm said. ”The victim wasn’t interested at first but he was talked into it and he said he wanted a Yin and Yang symbol with some dragons. He rolled him on to his stomach and the bloke started doing the tattoo and there was another bloke standing there watching saying, ‘Mate, it’s looking really good’. He was told not to go out into the sun and not to show anyone for a few weeks. When he got home he showed it to the person he lives with and she said: ‘I don’t think it’s the tattoo you were after’.”
To add insult to injury, he was allegedly punched and thrown out of the Bundamba man’s house after he was tattooed.
So, to get this straight, after getting into a fight with someone, this man was then talked into getting tattooed by the same guy. I’m willing to put money that alcohol was somehow involved in this situation.
Next up, and in a completely unrelated story, PerthNow.com.au has an excellent photo gallery of the recent Phuket Vegetarian Festival. It’s absolutely worth checking out.

A devotee of the Chinese shrine of Sapam, pierces his cheeks with swords during the Phuket Vegetarian Festival on October 10, 2010 in Phuket, Thailand. (Getty Images)
We’re just getting started, so kick back and relax, and keep on reading.
Heading back to Australia, it seems that the Australian Red Cross is blaming tattoos for the current blood shortage they’re undergoing.
The Australian Red Cross turned away more than 2100 people in NSW when they went to give blood because of a little-known rule that excludes donors who have recently had a tattoo. The news comes as NSW battles with a low supply of blood products, especially types O and A, with the State’s stockpile only two-thirds full. Australian Red Cross Blood Service spokeswoman Lisa Borges said the knock-backs were because of the service’s strict rules around preventing potentially contaminated blood entering the stockpile. She said that with more people getting themselves tattooed, especially younger people, the Red Cross was being forced to turn away blood products it could desperately use, as each of those 2100 deferred donations could save three lives.
So while it is understandable that the Red Cross needs to have a grace period between getting tattooed and donating blood, to imply that the only reason there is a shortage is because young people are getting tattooed is a bit on the unreasonable side. I’m sure there are more people not tattooed than are that aren’t lining up to donate. Then again I could make some obligatory joke about Aussies and prison tattoos, but that would also be in poor taste.
It seems this week was a banner week for artists who like to sexually assault their customers. First in the UK, an artist has pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting two girls (15 and 16) after he finished tattooing them.

Tattooist Andrew Simpson has been told to expect a prison sentence for two assaults on girls.
Simpson, of Kissingate, Burton Pidsea, targeted a 16-year-old girl on November 6 last year when he decorated her leg with a tattoo. At the end of the session he sexually assaulted her. On January 23, he sexually assaulted a 15-year-old girl following a 45-minute session in which he inked a tattoo on her back.
Back stateside, an artist in Tampa Bay has also been accused of fondling his female clients.
Charles Lyndon Harper Jr. 41, was placing mineral oil and plastic wrap on one woman’s newly inked, upper leg tattoo when he slipped his hand inside her bikini and touched her without permission, a Pasco County Sheriff’s Office report said. The woman left the business at 11632 U.S. 19 and called authorities. Harper admitted touching the woman but said he thought he had permission because she was “flirty,” the sheriff’s report said.
He went on to admit he does this often. So for the time being, it may be best to avoid getting tattooed by him, unless you’re into that sort of thing.
In much more positive news, the San Francisco Chronicle has an interesting story about corset piercings, and surprisingly isn’t biased against them.
Photo: Mark Krauss. Monique Millier, 22, is a two-time corset piercer.
Familiar to body manipulation enthusiasts, corset piercing is now becoming more mainstream as young women, inspired by photos circulating on Facebook and other social media sites, are starting to wear them to prom, as Halloween or Burning Man costumes, or for weddings and gay pride parades.
This week also brings two looks into the history of tattoos around the world.
First, at the Zwaanendael Museum in Lewes, DE people can stop by this weekend to check out an exhibit entitled “Tall Tales and Tattoos“.
The program will feature Andrew “Spider” Miller who will spin tall tales and share his collection of “gaffs” — bizarre make-believe creatures that have been hand-crafted by skilled artisans. They are similar in style to the 19th century oddities known as “Fiji Mermen” which often featured animal heads crafted onto the bodies of fish. Such creations were conceived as pranks or side show curiosities at a time when sea captains were returning from the newly opened ports of East Asia with tall tales of exotic, never-before-seen creatures. An example is the Zwaanendael Merman, which can be seen at the museum in conjunction with Miller’s presentation.
The program will also feature tattoo artist Peggi Hurley of Ancient Art Tattoo studio in Lewes who will discuss the art and history of tattoos. Hurley, a native of Rehoboth Beach, was named the 1986 National Tattoo Association’s “Best Tattooed Woman.” She studied the art of tattooing with Don Nolan, Gill Montie and Bill Hannong and has operated a tattoo studio in Delaware since 1994.
If you have time in November and you live in or near London, you should head on over to the Russian Criminal Tattoo Archive, as they’re holding their first gallery showing of the works of Danzig Baldaev.
Danzig Baldaev grew up in a Russian children’s home, his father having been denounced as an enemy of the people. He was later ordered to take a job as a warden in Kresty, an infamous Leningrad prison, where he worked from 1948 to 1981. It was a job that allowed Baldaev to continue his father’s work as an ethnographer – by documenting the tattoos of criminals. Heavy with symbolism and hidden meanings, the tattoos depicted a complex world of hierarchies, disgraces and achievements. Mostly anti-Soviet and frequently obscene, they are a portal into a violent world that ran alongside the worst excesses of the Communist era.
The KGB found out about Baldaev’s tattoo project but, incredibly, they sanctioned it. “They realised the value of being able to establish the facts about a convict or criminal: his date and place of birth, the crimes he had committed, the camps where he had served time, and even his psychological profile,” Baldaev wrote, shortly before his death in 2005.
The Guardian has an excellent story detailing Danzig’s work, and how they became public.
Now, what would this week be if we didn’t have people screwing up royally with their modifications?
Everyone by now has heard of cosmetic tattooing. The practice has been going on for years now in beauty salons. But what happens if your brown eyebrow tattoos suddenly turn purple?
Question: I had my eyebrows tattooed in 2003. A few years later, they turned purple. I have ash-blond hair and wanted a medium-brown eyebrow color. I am looking for eyebrow makeup to cover the purplish color, which is especially noticeable when I go outside into bright sunlight. It’s embarrassing. Even my 5-year-old granddaughter said she likes my eyebrows because they are purple!
Of course it’s not just cosmetic tattoos that can go wrong. Take Manchester City fan Simon Hart. He’s a huge fan of his team, and will do anything to support them. The day he found out Wayne Rooney was to be traded to Man City, he did what any true fan would do: go out and get “Rooney City Legend” tattooed on his back. Nothing could possibly go wrong with this right?
Hart’s absurd body art depicts Rooney celebrating in a Man City uniform with the words ‘Rooney, City Legend’ emblazoned underneath.
Unfortunately, his crazy homage turned stupid real quick after Rooney signed a five-year contract extension with United last Friday.
But hey, it only covers his entire upper back. I’m sure nobody will notice. Heck, him and the penis guy can go out for beers.
Now when it comes to DIY piercings, knowledge is key. Knowing how to pierce yourself safely is the single most important thing. Of course, there will always be people who don’t care if they’re safe or not, or even if they’re doing it right. Unfortunately it’s people like them that end up in the news after being rushed into emergency surgery.

A month ago, without consulting his parents or a professional, he made the hole in his tongue and attached a metal ring, causing almost immediate pain. As he thought it would pass in a few days, he left the ring in. A few days later, an infection made it difficult for him to speak or eat, so he removed the ring; but when the pain receded a bit, he put it back in place. But this time, the tongue was so swollen and inflamed that the ring disappeared deep inside the tongue.
When he finally told his mother, she rushed him to the hospital, where doctors were able to observe the ring only in a CT scan. As his tongue was so large, it threatened to choke him, and he was sent to intensive care in serious condition. Dr. Miki Pecker said that when he was admitted, it was clear his life was in danger. Not only was the ring not sterile, but it was inserted into a part of the tongue not suited to piercing. It will take a while until the pain fades, he added.
And that’s it for the real news, now onto the celebrity round-up!
Hillary Duff was shocked to discover that a fan whose arm she had signed went out and got the signature tattooed on himself. The rest of the world was shocked to discover that Hillary Duff has a fan.
David Beckham is starting to rub off on his kids, and of course the media blew it completely out of proportion. According to The Sun, that bastion of journalistic integrity, Beckham allowed his 11-year-old son to get tattooed. Of course rational heads seemed to have prevailed as someone pointed out that it was probably just drawn on.
Finally, everyone’s favorite singer, Miley Cyrus, has shocked the world by ditching her “clean image” and getting a “sleeve tattoo”. Of course, by sleeve tattoo they really meant some small script on her forearm that matches the one her mother has. I’m also pretty sure she ditched her “clean image” a few years back when she was pole dancing on some kids awards show. Then again, to some that’s just healthy behavior for a kid, while getting tattooed is a sign of moral decay.
That’s it for this week’s news. Everyone have a safe and fun Halloween, and we’ll see you back here Monday morning when we kick off Movember (aka No Shave November).