Traditional (hand poked) tattoo convention

With tattooing’s recent boom in popularity, tattoo conventions are a dime a dozen now. So normally, I wouldn’t  bother posting promotional material for  one. However, this tattoo convention is so different, I felt it is 100% worthy of a plug on here.

ManWoman actually sent us the information on this convention, and the fact he was involved was enough to get me interested. The convention will take place  in Cobh, Cork Co. Ireland on the 10th and 11th of July.  The tattooing will all be hand-poked traditional, even Eskimo tattooing. ManWoman will be guest speaker and will also be interviewed for a swastika documentary.


PS: If any modblog readers make it out to this, be sure to send up some pictures!

What exactly is going on here?

Of course there were a TON of suspension photos from the recent Dallas Suspension Practitioners Convention. Yet, while digging through the hundreds of photos in the ritual gallery, this totally sans-suspension photo jumped out at me. Maybe because it involves old friends of mine, or perhaps just because it is so totally random and awkward. That random awkwardness is what makes it captures the true spirit of most of the mod events I have been to better than the more typical posed, or serious shots.


The picture belongs to Brian.

The beard belongs to Micah.

The look of shock and awe belongs to Scot.

That hand, I am pretty damn certain that belongs to no other than Shawn Porter.

The ever changing, ever evolving, xronix.

Any longtime modblog reader will probably remember xronix in one of his multiple previous features. He has been featured numerous times on here and for good reason, he has an amazing collection of mods and changes looks enough that each feature appears totally different from the last. I really dig this picture, it’s almost like he has evolved past human and if I were ever to make a sequel to “The Fifth Element“, I would damn sure cast him in a major role.


It is also well worth noting that xronix, not only has his eyeballs tattooed, but he did them himself!

MMM Bop? Really?

In the 559 pages of Music Tattoos, I bet you would have almost zero chance of finding another Hanson inspired tattoo (feel free to correct me if I am wrong). Yet, there is one IAM user, who’s username says it all ilovehanson. While in Kansas City, she got this ultimate tribute to the young boys with instruments done by  Andrew Milko at Mercy Seat Tattoo.


PS: some of you may remember her from this post back in ’09.

Damnit Lliezel!

LlIezel Ellick, you make my life difficult. I don’t want to feature any one person too often on modblog, and picking through all of your amazing submissions to BME is proving quite difficult!

In all seriousness though, Lliezel from Wildfire Tattoos in Cape Town Africa, has submitted so many beautifully photographed pictures recently, she deserves some sort of award. Since I pissed off the trophy shop guys next to my shop, I probably can’t get a good deal on a trophy, so this post will have to suffice.


In case you were wondering, yes, those buttons are sutured on!

Bad idea, or just impressive?

So, as most of you have noticed, I have been posting one “bad idea” feature a day this week. Truth be told though, a large portion of the world’s population would consider any body modification or body play act to be a “bad idea”. I suppose it’s all a matter of perspective.

For instance, most ModBlog readers are so accustomed to seeing suspensions that the idea of hanging from hooks through your skin, probably doesn’t seem like such a bad idea. However, ask a hundred random people if they thought that hanging from hooks in their skin was a bad idea, and I am sure the majority would quickly answer yes.

But what about a suspension without hooks, done purely for sexual reasons?


For a totally NSFW suspension picture, keep on keeping on.


This amazing scrotal suspension was sent to us by XXX from Belfast, UK. Obviously, this is a high risk activity that could cause a range of immediate, as well as long term problems.  But is it a bad idea? Assuming XXX, has educated himself on the risk of doing such an activity, is this really any worse of an idea than lot’s of the more common suspension and body play rituals we feature here?

She’s coming for you next…

…at least that’s what that fierce stare she’s making says to me.


This picture was submitted without much info. All I know if the artist was credited as Artist: Jurec from Latvia, Daugavpils. Whether the artist was the person who threw the hooks or took the pictures I don’t know. So please, if you submit pics to BME make sure you give as many details as possible and/or contact info so if we pick your photo for modblog, we have the story to go along with it.

More bad ideas

In keeping with the “bad ideas” theme, it amazes me the crap people put into their bodies in the name of body art.

The old school implants that were made to resemble body jewelry started their life’s as regular titanium body jewelry, but then several steps went into making them suitable for long term implantation. First off the seam from where the ball threads in was plasma welded shut. Then the bottom side was made into a smooth, but flat surface so it wouldn’t create as much downwards pressure. I have a circular barbell implant of this style in my right hand, and nearly ten years later it is still happy and has caused me no (known) issues.

Nowadays, those type of implants have been made obsolete by the molded or carved silicone implants. Yet for some reason, people still think it’s ok to put standard body jewelry (with no attempts at making it suitable from implantation) under the skin and call it an implant?

This submission to BME came with no story, only artist credits. I am intentionally leaving off the artist credit, because I don’t know if the artist was the photographer, the implanter, the implant remover or what and I don’t want anyone jumping to conclusions without more information.

Without any explanation, I do think the pictures here do a fine job of telling the horror story of poorly planned implants.
