“Get It” a call to action

I am reposting this here thanks to Robin’s suggestion. Jayson was an active part of this community and the man behind the phrase “Get it”, that is tattooed on a few IAM members. His death was such an untimely waste and his killer, although accidental, was a habitual offender and shouldn’t get off with such a small penalty.

As some of you probably know, April 17, 2010 would’ve been Jayson Kilroy’s 30th birthday. He and his friend, Edgar Juarez, were killed August 6, 2008 by Barbara Thomas. She was charged with 2 counts of Vehicular Homicide, Driving Under the Influence of Drugs, Driving with a Restricted License (for prior DUIs), and she was not wearing her glasses when she struck & killed them.

She was sentenced to 3 years in jail. Three years for two lives. As if that isn’t bad enough, she has a parole hearing May 1,2010. If she is granted parole, she could be released as early as July 26, 2010. If that is the case, she will have served just over 1 year in jail for killing Jayson and Edgar. If you can, please email Tim Hand, head of the Colorado Department of Corrections Parole Board to oppose her release:

Tim Hand, Deputy Director, Regional Operations
940 Broadway
Denver, CO 80203
(303) 763-2420
[email protected] Thank you.

When you write, please don’t be rude. Politely, but firmly make your point.


From The Vault: Mark’s Rotisserie Suspension (Video updated: more footage!)

TSD was the original (modern) suspension crew and a lot of the amazing feats of engineering and artistry the members of TSD and there associates have come up still stand the test of time and many have not been duplicated or surpassed. I was thrilled to see another email from Ron Garza, with a picture, video and story about Mark’s rotisserie suspension circa 2003.


For a video of another one of Mark’s rotisserie suspensions, and to hear Ron tell the tale, keep on keeping on .

The story as told by Ron:

When I was  involved with  the old TSD group back in the mid 90′s most of us back then had our  own individual visions of what suspensions were to us back then. It was a much different  time and suspensions were still relatively a new thing and there wasn’t one way to do anything or  just one mindset as to what suspensions were back then. There wasn’t  really people  doing this everywhere or pictures online to give  people preconceived notions  as to what a suspension were or could be.
The few of us that were into this stuff all talked and  worked together and brought our own individual ideas, thoughts and visions to suspensions. We all differed in that  aspect as well as out reasoning for  being involved  in this.  You  really saw this when you look at we did individually when everyone moved away or did solo stuff and started  their own personal  groups.
Steve  Joyner (  of CoRE fame), with  his excellent use of make up ,costumes,  plots and  show themes really brought  more theatre to suspensions and took the emphasis off the act of suspenions, Allen with  his  intense  solo shows and large group projects, Oliver Gilson whose engineering take on everything has changed not only larger suspension projects and hook designs but also whose rigging style has influenced many and taken suspension rigging into  an artistic realm  that is easily  recognizable.
My whole deal with suspensions has always not only been multi-person suspension projects, but also  high tension kinetic suspensions.  This clip was one of my favorite things we  pulled off.  It was from an early MAYHEM  show in Austin Tx  back in 2003 I want to say.  Mark Rose at the time was one of our hardest  suspension models/hook monkeys  who thrived on being able to take a large amount of intense stuff. This one  threw  him into  shock and broke him. He  still did this 2 more times at least that i can think of. I’m just glad someone had a camera around this time!

This 360 frame was created by Tom Moore  from Steel Fetish.

A little more fingering fun

I know quite a bit of you modbloggers were a wee bit disturbed when I posted the pictures of Ala’s open wound fingering, so you can imagine how thrilled I was when Jamie sent me these pictures from the recent Dallas Suscon.


The pics are of me getting a hole in my arm fingered by my boyfriend. This happened after the two of us did a forearm suspension on a spinning beam together. I was prepared for some tearing on my arms with doing this suspension, but we were both somewhat excited when I ended up with a hole in my arm big enough for Biohazard to get a few fingers in. Tearing hooks is of course not usually something to aim for, but in this case the result was sexy! I suppose the slogan for the event was right – ‘Even bad ideas are bigger in Texas’. Haha

For a close up shot of the “open wound fingering”, keep on keeping on.


Happy birthday Chuck!

If you have ever suspended, watched a suspension, thought about suspending or even just enjoyed a photo of a suspension, you should probably go wish this old fart a happy birthday.


This picture took place at the recent Dallas Suspension Practitioners Convention. What this photo doesn’t show well is the fact Allen and Samar are gracefully balanced and rotating on a spinning beam. Photo credit goes to Rolf, who took dozens of awesome pictures of the event.

Ask an amputee

I came across some recent amputation pictures in the galleries and contacted the IAM member who had submitted them. He gave me the privilege of interviewing him and was extremely open about being a voluntary amputee, his life and his mods.

I feel I was pretty thorough in my questions and I definitely covered all of the basics. However, I know anytime  an interview of this sort goes down, the readers of modblog always have questions they wish were asked. Well, now  is your chance, if you have  ever had any questions you wanted to ask a voluntary amputee, leave them in the comments section and I will pass them on.

Remember, I already interviewed him so the basic how and why questions have been asked already. So, please,  make sure your questions are specific and original. Also, he had done a huge service for us by being so open about a subject rarely talked about, make sure the questions you ask  are respectful of him.


Do it yourself, with the dicing slicing gomco-matic!

One of the common issues I (and I would imagine a lot of other piercers) run into on a regular basis is the parents who bring their infant daughter in for ear piercings. No laws in my state keep me from doing this, but my personal ethics will not allow me to do any modification on an non consenting client. My view on circumcision is the exact same, I don’t feel it’s my right to decide the fate of my son’s penis. I feel that is a decision for him to make as a consenting informed adult.

Apparently, the parents of this BME Hard contributor, shared my viewpoints and left their son uncut. Now as an adult he has not only decided to get circumcised, it appears he decided to do the procedure himself using a gomco clamp.


To see the blood beyond the blur, keep on keeping on.
