Over, Under, Around, and Through

Hello there everybody! Today Supa Grover is going to teach you a whole bunch of things, so you look and listen closely.  Ok?  Here goes.

Around, around, around…  over, and under, and through.

Now, you may be wondering, what the heck does an old Sesame St. sketch have to do with ModBlog?  Well, check out Supa’s latest transformation suspension that he did with Oxi.  To start, Supa and Oxi were rigged up seperately, with her in a 6pt coma, and him in a 6pt superman.

Then Supa moved up and over Oxi, through her rigging, and began to transition her suspension off of her rig plate to a tandem suspension.  You can see above that Supa already had the 6 hooks for the tandem ready before moving into place.  Her hooks were cut down one by one, and quickly reattached to Supa.

Then to finish things off, Oxi detached from Supa so that he could flip himself around.

So what have we learned today?  We learned that with the right people and equipment, almost anything is possible, including a mid-air transition into a tandem suspension.  Over, under, around, and through.

To see the full sequence, be sure to visit the Kaptive8 Suspension Krew Gallery.

Branding with purpose

I’m going to start this post of with a quick advisory.  This is a unique situation that was brought about at the recommendation of a medical doctor.  However, just because it was recommended in this situation does not mean it can be applied to everyone.  Glans branding isn’t anything new, and if your goal is strictly aesthetic, then by all means do whatever it is you wish.  That said, if you’re contemplating this because of the medical reasons, please consult your doctor to make sure that it is right for you.

Well, now that the ominous warning is out of the way, lets take a look at this glans branding by Eroswastika.

What makes this branding unique is the story behind it.  This is what Ighlif had to say…

A guy contacted me, directed by a physician, to make a genital branding, exactly on the glans. suffered from premature ejaculation and after several visits and tests your doctor has concluded that at the root of the problem was an acute sensitivity to the base of the penis, below the urethra. The solution was to him or use EMLA or other anesthetic creams before intercourse, or numb the area with a possible intervention to elettrocautere …. or through a decorative branding!!

As you can see, this was a pretty interesting way to solve a medical problem.  To see the unblurred photo, you’ll have to keep reading.

Be sure to check out the galleries to see the rest of the photos of this unique branding.

Eroswastika works at Happy Family Body Art in Torino, Italy.

Is it Monday already?

I’m back!  After a much needed vacation, I’m nice and rested and ready to get you back to your regularly scheduled ModBlog.  A big thanks to Sean for covering for me.  As well as a thanks to the other guest columnists, INKStar and Shannon.  Hopefully we’ll be hearing from both of them again soon.

So while I may be rested, I’m pretty sure there are some people out there that are looking a little like this tattoo when they wake up on a Monday morning.

Zombie by Jackie Rabbit from Star City Tattoo in Roanoke, VA.

Melting Away

With the summer in full swing, there’s a lot of melting going on, including this Dali-esque piece by Gabriel Cece.

Speaking of melting, I’m going to be going on vacation to the Dominican starting tomorrow, and I’ll be gone for about a week and a half.  Fret not, ModBlog will still continue to be updated.  Sean has graciously agreed to fill in for me while I’m gone, so be sure to play nice.  See you soon!

An artist in need

Occasionally I have some bad news to post, and unfortunately this is one of those times.  Jordan Teear, a tattoo artist from Frith Street Tattoo in London was in LA to start a road trip to NYC when his bike was struck by another vehicle.  Presently Jordan is in the hospital awaiting surgery for two broken legs.  Aaron from True Tattoo Hollywood, another artist and Jordan’s friend was with Jordon on his road trip when the accident occurred.  He’s since set up a fundraising effort to help not only Jordan, but any other tattoo artists who have been injured in bike accidents.  If you would like to donate to this charity that can help other people in Jordan’s situation please send a donation as a gift via PayPal to [email protected].  You can also keep track of Jordan’s recovery via Aaron’s twitter account, or the Frith Street Tattoo website.  Everyone here at BME wishes Jordan a speedy recovery.

That’s Jordan on the right, taken shortly before the trip began.