Oaxacan Coast

There once was a girl named Copper Wire
Whose tattoos (and curved bits) I’d admire.
I may blog her too much
But don’t you dare say such,
Because her pictures do make us perspire.

This is the sad state one finds oneself in when one does the seemingly incompatible acts of writing children’s books with poorly structured rhymes and blogging about beautiful people. Hey, it could be worse… “Because she elicits our sexual desire” rhymes too, hahaha. Anyway, two more nice photos from that beach that are better mod photos as well: one, two.

Dune Eyes

Josh is one of the first of the three of us to get the eye tattoo experiment, and I think his has turned out the best… On the left is real, and the right is a mockup of what it could eventually look like — somewhat alien, to say the least! He says it’s obvious what the rest of his knuckles read since the one hand says “SURG”… I’m going to assume “SURGICAL” but maybe it says “SURGING!” or “SURGE FAN”…

PS. Josh was asking me if anyone has any recommendations on the best (cheapest?) place to get sheep eyeballs to practice on is… Is it easiest to just go to a butcher shop? Or to order them from a scientific supplier?

Tongue Wagon

Mr. Biggelsworth strikes again!

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The edit is entirely my fault. The original will be posted on BMEvideo tomorrow!