Begging for air

Sometimes a job calls on you to go above and beyond your normal routine.  For a model, this can happen quite often.  In the case of IAM: Rachietartz, her latest photoshoot pushed her to the brink of consciousness.  Using a tie to cut off her airway, Rachie was on the verge of passing out when this photo was snapped.  You can see just how intense this was not only by the look in her eyes, but also by how red her face got while she was straining for air.

Photo credit: JL Joseph Beaulieu

The Platypus speaks


Jenya is no stranger to Modblog. In fact long term readers have watched him evolve into the modern modded man he is today. Fortunately, he was nice enough to chat with me on Skype a while back to answer some questions about him and his mods. His native tongue is Russian, so I had to clean up the grammar on his answers a bit to make it easily understandable, but I did my best not to change the context whatsoever.

For the interview and a few pictures documenting his evolution, keep on keeping on.

Sean Philips: So why don’t you give me some basic info to start; age, sexual preference, location and career.

Jenya: My name is Jenya. I am russian, 23 year old on the 28 january will be 24 years old. I am heterosexual. I was born in and live in Perm city, but I to want live in St. Petersburg and  in the spring I’m going to leave this city (Perm). I make teflon body jewelry (in white, black and blue colors).
Sean Philips: Wow, only 23, you have quite the collections of body mods for such a young guy. How did you get started on that path?
Jenya: I was 18 when I pierced my lobes for their further stretching.


Sean Philips: So right off the bat you knew you wanted stretched lobes, what lead to that decision?

Jenya: In the past I have seen many pictures on BMEzine. I was delighted by such body modification and I really wanted to do the same. I wanted something  that I could see in real life when I looked  in the mirror and something I could experience for myself.
Sean Philips: Very cool. So what inspired you to start stretching your lip piercing for the lip plate?
Jenya: I saw it on BMEzine as well. I saw it on a few IAM members; Raur,  pharmacist and some other people as well. I really wanted to try it. I like how it looks, but when I increased the size of the hole in my lip, then I wanted more and more. My motivation came primarily from MobyK. He helped me to understand that the more – the better. When I saw pictures of different tribes people with large lip plates I would wonder as to how much is practical? How do they eat, communicate, and  live with such large lips?  I wanted to find the answer to these questions within myself. Many of these questions I have since found answers to through the stages of my lip getting bigger. Now I’m wondering how it will be to have a  50mm or 100mm medusa and if I can live with a 200 x 100 mm lip plate.


Jenya: Sorry for my english 🙂

Sean Philips: No problem it’s far better than my Russian.

Jenya: (hehe)
Sean Philips: So how is it living with the lip plate in your daily life?
Jenya: This is very interesting. Before I asked the same question, but now I can honestly  say I love eating with my big lips. This modification did not cause any inconvenience to my regular activities. I still eat, drink, sleep, talk. I also really love this big smile. When I smile looking in the mirror, it improves mood, I get a positive on the whole day! I have only positive thoughts. thereby I attract only good things in my way.
Sean Philips: That’s an awesome outlook, I like that a lot.  So you love your mods, but how does the general public deal with your mods, I am sure you get a lot of attention? Also, what about your family, do they support your choices?
Jenya: Yes, I get A LOT of attention. The reactions are  always different. When I am walking down the street with an open face, I notice some people’s  reaction. I often can hear the enthusiasm or hatred directed at me. I can see through to almost everyone. From how they treat me I can assume how they were brought up. I do love it when people like how I look. I give them my smile and they return a smile for me. I think it’s great. When I encounter  people who scream negative things at me, I do not pay attention to it, I move on. I think they are just uneducated people. To me they are very sad. My family is very fond of me, despite my appearance. My mom does not like how I look, but she does not tell me this, so I think all is well!
Sean Philips:That’s great. We can’t expect everyone to love our decisions but so long as they can love us in spite of them, it’s a good thing. So what’s next? Any major mod plans lie ahead for you?
Jenya: I really want to stretch my lips bigger.  I don’t know how practical it will be, but I love the look of them at the size of 200 by 100mm. I also love big septums. I really want to have a really big septum, but it is very difficult for me, because sometimes I have problems with keloids.
Sean Philips: 200×100mm, that is certainly ambitious as far as lip stretching goes, I hope it goes well for you. So the human platypus thing, could you explain that?


Jenya: The platypus has a large bill which is very similar in appearance to the large stretched lips for human. Also, I really like the sound of the word “platypus” in English.

Sean Philips: Is this a theme you plan to carryon further, like how the Lizardman  transforms himself more and more to continue the lizard theme, or is this more of a nickname?
Jenya: It’s more of a nickname, I think the name “platypus” may be suitable for all people with big lips.
Sean Philips: Fair enough. So to anyone planning who may plan on taking their mods to the same extreme as you, do you have any words of wisdom to share?
Jenya: For these people? Yes. Never be in a hurry for a stretch. If you want big lips – you’ll have it, but after some time. The slower you go the bigger you can get…………..and good luck!


So what do you guys think, could these two be brothers or what?

New Year’s BMEBoy

Well for some odd reason, there aren’t any heavily modified babies to have as the BME New Year’s baby, so you’ll have to do with a BMEBoy instead.  Now, as the baby is normally portrayed pushing aside an old man with a beard, it’ll be only fitting if Evan here were to start growing his beard again for the new year.  Who knows, maybe by this time next year he’ll have himself a nice epic beard to help usher in a new BMEBoy for 2012.

Among Evan’s many piercings are his stretched lobes, a few nostril piercings, a medusa, a large gauge cartilage piercing, and while you can’t see it, he’s also got himself a fairly large septum.

A Wolf in Wolf’s Clothing

Many of you will remember Darah from the BME World Tour where she was part of the team that went to Australia and New Zealand.  What you may not know is this beauty hails from the wilds of Southwestern Ontario, where she runs wild and free through the forest.  When not stalking her prey in the moonlight, she scours the underbrush pulling forth the spirits of the earth and succumbing to their powers.  Through this divine communion she becomes more wolf than woman, forever bound to the world of the wilds.  It is only in fleeting moments that she can be captured on film where we can see not only her marks and holes that define her exterior, but also catching a glimpse into her eyes, seeing the power and beauty that she manifests.  The pelts she wears are not only there to protect her from the cold of the winter, but also to protect the winter from the fire inside her.

Did someone call for more BMEGirls?

Well if nobody did, too bad, you’re getting more anyway!  This time we’ve got two beautiful BMEGirls to close out the week.

First up is Shanna, who we first saw a couple of weeks ago.   This time around she’s showing off her kitty, as well as giving us another great look at her tattoos and piercings.

Next up is a photo sent in by justaburde, crediting Kevin Kusulas as the artist for what I’m assuming is the shoulder tattoos.

I don’t think that’s where that goes!

Enemy sent in this photo of himself.  From what I gather, the piercings were all completely self done.  His lobes are at 7/8 and his septum is at 7/16.  I wanted to post the photo because high nostrils don’t come in very often.  I want to say this is still a fairly uncommon piercing but given where I live, I’m not sure if that’s accurate or simply my perception.   What about you, ModBloggers?  Would you say this is uncommon or do you see high nostrils with some frequency where you live?

I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that he doesn’t normally wear what appears to be a piece of pipe a sharpie in his septum and that this was just for the photo.


The BMEBoys were feeling left out

With all the BMEGirls posted today, it’s only fair we end the day with a superb shot of Pasha and his piercings.  This BMEBoy even caught the attention of Jen, who e-mailed me to let me know about him.   I can’t say I blame her.  It’s a fantastic shot, hauntingly beautiful, and it shows off not only his impressive lobes, but also his stretched septum.  Ok, enough with the talk, enjoy the photo.

A night on the town

When getting ready to head out for an evening of fun with some friends, there are a few things a person needs to do to get ready.  Shower, pick out clothes, possibly put on makeup, get a corset piercing, make sure your accessories match, etc.  While some people may not include one or two of these examples, it seems these ladies have made sure to include “get a corset” on their list of things to do.


For some reason, when I see this picture, all I can think about is what the reactions of my classmates would have been if my date showed up for prom with a corset.  Granted back then, a lot of people would have had no clue what they were looking at.  The same could be said for a lot of the newer styles of modifications.  So while back then this would have been shocking, today it may only turn some heads.  Does this mean that the mainstream world is becoming more accepting?

IAM:Candace posed this question on her blog today, “Do you think heavier mods (implants, removals, scarification, etc) will ever be accepted among society? Why?”  If history is any indicator, there may come a day when what we consider heavy today, becomes something as normal as a stretched septum or lobe.  What are your thoughts on this?  Are we headed down the road towards the mainstream, or will the modified community continue to skirt the fringes of “normalcy”.

A big thank you to BME user ajulietgrey for sharing this picture with us.  There are several more images of these corseted ladies up in the corset piercing gallery.