The Friday Follow-up

This week’s follow up was requested a few times, so even though it isn’t as old as some of the scars we’ve been seeing the past couple of weeks, it is still a look at a healing scar.

You’ll probably remember this Hellraiser scarification/branding by Eroswastika..

Keep on reading to see how it’s looking now.

It’s interesting to see how the sections that were branded are healing significantly different than the sections that were just cut.

Ighlif also put the implants into those hands.

Want to take part in something groundbreaking?

After months of planning and research, a new project is about to get underway that is both a living art exhibit and a journey into the very limits of body modification.  I’ve known about this for a little while, but I had been asked to keep quiet until the time was right.  Well, today is the day.

The artist behind this project has asked to remain anonymous for now, but he/she has been featured on ModBlog several times before.  This project is the culmination of many years of hard work.  That project?  The Arnie Composition.

The focus of the project is to take fictional modification/mutations found in various Arnold Schwarzenegger films and make them a reality.  This is where you come in.  The artist is looking for volunteers to take part in this radical art showcase.  In order to take part you must be 21 or older, and have some experience with surgical modifications (i.e. implants, etc), and be willing to travel to Montreal.

So what modifications are planned?  Well I don’t have the final list, but I can provide some examples.  We recently saw in the news a professor who used transdermal anchors to stick a camera into the back of his head.  The implants eventually had to be removed as the camera weighed too much.  For “The Arnie Composition” the artist is looking for someone who is up to the challenge of becoming The Predator. If you recall, in the film Predator, the alien had a digital device attached to his arm.  For the project the artist has crafted a compact and lightweight version that will attach to the arm via magnetic transdermals.

In addition to the arm plate, he is also looking to use multiple skull transdermal implants to attach dreadlocks similar to the predator’s.

Next up is the Terminator portion of the exhibit.  Using a combination of scarification, branding, and LED implants, the goal is to recreate the iconic look of The Terminator.

Finally, in the most radical modification of the collection, the Total Recall.  Total Recall is famous for a number of things, but probably the most iconic image is that of Mary, the prostitute.  One lucky woman will have the opportunity to be the centerpiece of the exhibit by transforming into Mary.

There are many more procedures planned, including a radical tattoo and scar piece reminiscent of Mr. Freeze.

If you have any questions regarding this exhibit, feel free to get in contact with me as I’ll be passing the requests along to the artist.  In the mean time, take a look through the galleries to see what what the many talented artists that submit their images to BME are capable of, and start watching those Arnie movies to get a better idea of what to expect from The Arnie Composition.

A Canadian Down Under – The Triforce

Alright, I’m going to be honest.  I totally geeked out really hard when I saw that Efix had put this in someone’s hand.  I had a chance to sit down with him right before he left for Australia and he showed me some of the implants he was putting in people while down there, but he must have hid this one from me.  In any case, as you can see, in addition to being an artist with a scalpel, he can take a piece of silicone and transform a hand into something epic.

This piece in particular isn’t found in his scarification portfolio, but can be found in the 3D-Art Implant Gallery.

Behind the hooks

Over the past year we’ve seen a lot of submissions sent in by the #Leeds Suspension Team out of St. Petersburg, Russia.  Well, one of the members of the team, who is normally off camera, hopped in front of it and sent in a recent photo of himself.  Now Arseniy is no stranger to being featured on his own.  Myself, Jen, Rachel, and Jordan have all posted photos, and it’s easy to see why.  The guy is just so photogenic, and is very deserving of the title of BMEBoy.

Oh, those implants in his arm?  He put them in himself with a little assistance from Vlad SINtezz from Total Ink BodyModifications.

Another day, another beauty

It seems like this week has been pretty good for BMEGirl submissions so let’s have another one today.  Pincusion Princess here always manages to send in fantastic pictures and this week she sent in quite a few.  Below are just two of the ones you can find in the BMEGirls Gallery.

To see the other one, you’re going to have to do some clicking…

Here’s the rundown on some of her modifications.

Tattoos by Ryan Bolton, hand implant by Steve Truitt, and her piercings are from her lucky husband, Dominick269.

As an extra little treat, check out her four month old ear implants that were put in by Dom.

Suspending Passion

To the great many people out there that suspend, it can easily become a strong passion in their life.  Southtownbaby is one such person.  We’ve seen her on ModBlog before with her bird of paradise scar.  Today, we get to see her enjoying something she has a passion for.  As a bonus, she’s even shared with us something special, just to show you how much suspending means to her.

The ressurection suspension was facilitated by Hanging City Suspensions down in Fort Smith, AZ.

Keep reading to see the added bonus…

This 3-D implant was designed and crafted by Steve Haworth, and was put in by JesseStar

Well, that’s it for 2010 ModBlog.  I hope everyone has a fun and safe new year’s eve.  And remember, you’re always welcome to join me and the rest of the BME staff at the BME NYE Party!  Just check the event listing for all the details.