A BMEGirl with a side of corset

I’m pretty sure you can’t order this at a drive through.

This fantastic 60 point corset was done by Brailey from Fat Zombie Tattoo and Body Piercing in Phoenix, AZ.

If this corset is considered a normal size side corset, then wait until you check out the super-sized side corset after the clickthrough.

I don’t believe that Braiely used the same model for the corsets as this 80 point corset follows a different path down the side.

“My BMEGirl Friday”

It’s Friday.  We’ve had the scar follow-up, and the news is coming up in a couple of hours.  What’s missing?  Oh that’s right, a BMEGirl post.  Today LadyFrankenstein is gracing us with her beauty.

Tattoos by JayJay Dallas, Tiny Miss Becca, Mike Ski, Bailey Robinson, Norm AWR, Theo Mindell @ various studios & conventions (Photo by Sideview Inn).

Gratuitous knee suspension

What better way to counter-balance this morning’s BMEBoy post, than with a gratuitous BMEGirl post.  msnaughtya here also happens to be hanging from her knees, so that’s always a good thing.

There are lot more photos in the knee suspension gallery that are definitely worth checking out.  The suspension was done in Columbus, OH by Mute-One, with photo credit going to Todd Eko

It ain’t easy being green

Happy St.Patrick’s day everyone!  Today’s the day that you wear green to work, drink green beer at the bar, pass by green dyed waterways, convince strangers to kiss you even if you’re not Irish, and eventually vomit green by the end of the night.

So to honor the green theme of the day, we’ll kick things off with the beautiful Miss.VeraVoodoo in a distinctly green tinted photoshoot in the back of her ’53 Chevy Bel Air.

Vera sent in quite a few photos that you can check out in several galleries including the neck tattoo gallery, and the stretched lobe gallery.  The artists responsible for Vera’s artwork include DJ Richardson, Samantha Provin, Dan Ross, and Little Linda.  Piercings by Dustin Mathis.