Party Time! One week left for ModProm tickets!

There are about twenty tickets left for ModProm II, the main event (in my opinion) of the BMEfest day. You can get more details about BMEfest at but to get your ModProm ticket online (and a shirt too), click here to get it at BMEshop with your credit card. If you need to make alternate payment arrangements (as in you don’t have a credit card), please contact Phil. Tickets will be on sale until Monday.

Other than that, “real” ModBlog posts start again tomorrow! Now get your ticket… or party in Russia with Dem (this photo is from their New Year’s party):



“Get Fuct” Inner Lip Tattoo

Tattoo by Jason D at Endless Summer Tattoo in Cocoa Beach, Florida. Oh, and if you’re wondering why people get rude inner lip tattoos, the traditional explanation is that inner lip tattoos are only seen by police when you’re searched before being tossed behind bars. Not sure if insulting your jailer is generally a good idea, but I appreciate the sentiment…