Jesslee‘s work was done by Stanzy at Millenium and Soulphire in North Vancouver, Canada.
Tag Archives: body-modification
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Liska in Lulea, Sweden, with piercing by Johan at Aeon.
Boltzmann Equation Stomach Rocker
I think that capo3433‘s Boltzmann equation tattoo is the geekiest tattoo I’ve posted in quite a long time (I’m assuming he understands it, but he says he’s not very good at math!). It’s done by Kimsu at Body Graphics in NJ. If you’re wondering, s = k log w is a measure of entropy in this case.
Last Suspension
Awesome Zombi Tattoo
Pooner has some really amazing horror themed tattoos (check out his page if you’re an IAM member), including this zombie by Big Al at Smokin’ Guns in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Times Square Kiss tattoo
Girliesabombshell sends in this nice photo of her still in progress tattoo of the famous photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt, being done by Franky Gunthier at Tattoo Marks in Souderton, PA.
Nice Goggles, Donkey Boy
That’s his username, not an insult! Facial tattoos by Andy Barela at American Graffiti in Las Cruces, NM.
Chariot Racing
Photoshop disclaimer: I edited a photographer out of the photo. You can see the original in The Hanged Man gallery on BME. Thanks to Pete for the photo from their recent event down in Melbourne, Australia.
Branded Nipples
Ok, I got lectured about it last time, so let me correct myself — branded breasts and aerola. Pretty intense, and one of the few I’e seen. This was done by Bondage Bill at Blue Moon Tattoo in Barnhart, MO.
“Branding Hurts”
This totally oldschool strike branding is being done by Lliezel at Wildfire Body Piercing Clinic in Cape Town, South Africa (the city everyone told me I was an idiot for not visiting when Rachel and I were there).