Lucky BMEboys Saturday 13/15

Shawn O’Hare from Charlies House of Tattoos in Camarillo, CA, sends in this celebrity appearance and sneak teaser from British Television’s Sin Cities, who met up with a number of BME folks in North America while filming their new season. It airs as well on Showcase/Showtime in North America (I don’t know the schedule for this season though). I enjoy the show a great deal — if you haven’t checked it out, it’s a lot of fun and I think handles different sexual and fetish adventures with a great sense of humor and acceptance.

And of course I know a few girls with crushes on Ashley!


That’s for sure. Read the Bible if you don’t believe SLAYER — you’ll see that human history contains no cruelty and evil as great as that allegedly perputrated by God and his various avatars and representatives. This great cutting was done by Andre Fernandes at Tattoo You in Sao Paulo, Brasil.

Anyway… Small update here for you today, but I’ll be posting over 4000 images to BME later today as well (c/o Phil), and of course videos as well (c/o Roo)… And I’m working on a BMEboys day for either the weekend or the start of the week. Enjoy!

Now that’s a hardcore navel piercing!

Shawn O’Hare (Charlies House of Tattoos and Body Piercing, Camarillo CA) did this intense piercing over two years ago and it seems to be doing fine… Back in the early nineties, the APP ran a series of articles telling people that these piercings could lead to liver infections (they went through a conservative phase) — luckily that worry seems to have been an empty one!