What more could you ask for‽

Splittage by Brian, photo by Prince Clare.
I love this tattoo (and the hair) on Anarkos. By the way, you’re supposed to kiss that spot gently then give him a bubble bath, not shoot him. He’s a gentle punk*.
More after the break!
Tattoo by Renee at Golden Rule, Silverdale, WA.
* – Don’t quote me on that.
I’ve no real reason to apologise (I kept you entertained over the weekend, after all) but sorry for the few updates today, it’s been super busy and then I visited my doctor. It was fun!
I just wish he wore glasses like ferdudurke, then I wouldn’t notice him winking at me.
Ok, maybe the title isn’t exactly correct as Maurice (who you may remember from this post) had Brian remove his genital beads and replace them with a nifty new star implant.
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Badur send me a link to a “plasma blade” cutting tool, what seems like a big improvement on various electrocautery-type cutting tools… Should be amazing for procedures like subincisions…
As you can tell from the screenshot, the video is a little gory (Caitlin says “ewww! what is it!!! is it a baked potato with corn in it!?!?”)*.
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(* Caitlin now says “why must you make fun of me?”)
About two years ago Lunette had her inner labia and most of her clitoral hood removed — you can continue reading for a closeup and of course the full pictures at higher res are in BME/extreme — and her and her husband are very happy with the results both aesthetically and physically.
See more in “Amputation“ (Misc. Nullo and Amputations) (members only)
Feast your peepers on this video Ari sent in (this is the last time I’ll apologise, but sorry about the music)..
First Brian punches then tapers Matt Skinner’s labret up to 00ga. Then Ari’s under the knife as Brian splits his tongue asunder.
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You may remember that last year Howie “shot” Ben’s ear… Well, this year Ben (Future Skin, Ottawa, Canada) has done something similar to Shawn, giving him what he describes as an “alley cat ear” by removing some of the cartilage.
See more in “Cartilage Removal and Reshaping“ (Facial Sculpting) (members only)
Master Y in Germany sent in these photos of a before and after (and if you click through, there’s a procedural photo) of him doing a breast saline injection. As you can see, the effects are quite dramatic. It goes without saying that care must be taken in this type of procedure to adhere to good cleanliness standards to avoid risks such as mastitis.
See more in “Non-genital Saline Injections“ (Saline Injection) (members only)