The Owl and the Dragonfly

It’s time for yet another fantastic piece by Michael from Kipod Tattoo Studio in Tel Aviv.  The first image is just a small part of a much larger piece that combines so many different elements.


While I’ve never seen a 3-eyed horned owl before, I imagine it would probably look something like that.  Keep reading to see where the dragonflies come into play.

Moving around the leg, you can see the dragonflies coming into play, as well as a glimpse of the skull the owl is resting on.


To see the rest of the piece, head on over to the Kipod tattoo portfolio, you won’t be disappointed.

The type of girl you bring home to mom

Relationships are always a tricky thing.  Especially in the beginning.  When you’re still feeling each other out (and up), getting to know each other on some kind of deeper level.  For most people there will come a time when you want to take the relationship a step further, and bring the significant other home to meet the family.  Of course in doing so you open yourself up to the possibility that your family won’t approve, or that your loved one despises your family.  Of course there is the traditional Hollywood trope of the perfect girl that you can take home to mother, and you know she’ll be met with approval.

Chriz, aka Ta2head from Buxe_Voll? Tattoz in Germany sent in this image of what could be the perfect girl to bring home to your mom.  A bigger version of the image can be found in the new skool tattoo gallery.

gimme a kiss

Now granted she might not be what you’re looking for in a girl, but hey, she’s got great teeth, luscious lips, and some good child birthing hips.  Isn’t that what all moms look for?  Someone their child can make grandkids with.  Sure she may be a little malnourished, and her clothes probably could use some stitching, but what’s not to love?

So, have you ever been in the situation when you brought your partner home to meet the family and things went horribly wrong, or really well?  What about when you went to meet their folks?  Did your modifications raise some questions?

What are girls made of?

Sugar and spice and everything nice?  That might apply to some girls, but definitely not every girl.

These hand tattoos show that while these girls may be made of sugar skulls, and they certainly have a bit of spice in them, I doubt they’d be up for having a tea party with the other nice girls.

sugar skulls

Jason Chappel sent in these sugar skull hand tattoos over the weekend, and with the Day of the Dead a little over a month away, it’s always good to plan ahead.  There are a few closeup images of each hand individually over in the hand tattoo gallery, if you feel like getting a closer look.

Of course not everyone celebrates the Day of the Dead, but a large portion of people in North America do celebrate Halloween which comes a couple days beforehand.  Which begs the question, do you have any plans made for either day yet?  Got your costume picked out?

One Hour Tattoo – Ran Maclurkin

I’m not sure what I was thinking when I decided to get tattooed again but the day we were leaving Melbourne, I had to let Trevor finish what he had left of the background on my right calf. I wasn’t sure if he was going to have time for a second session so I had made an appointment later that same day with Ran Maclurkin of The Piercing Urge. The tour team and I had spent the day prior to the tattoo interviewing Ran, Matt and Pete for the tour videos and interviews that we’re doing. As I had explained before, I’m getting a series of skull tattoos to fill up the front and sides of my thighs while I’m out on the road. I really liked Ran‘s “Abstract Noir” style of tattooing and wanted to get a piece from him. He’d already tattooed Chez‘s thigh the day before. I decided to ask Ran if he’d do me the honor of being the second in my series of “One Hour Tattoo” video and he said yes!

Check out the video and I hope you enjoy it!


Due to weird inconsistencies with the “Auto-Play”, I’ve moved the video to behind the jump. Click the image to go to the post to watch the video or click more.

The next installment of the “One Hour Tattoo” will be from Josh Roelink at TatuDharma in Sydney! No, I didn’t make these out of order, I’m heading back to Sydney for a couple days before we head off from the land of kangaroos and awesome.

One Hour Tattoo – Rhys Gordon

As someone who spends most of their time behind a computer, I don’t get a chance very often to meet tattooers from various ends of the earth. I’ve decided to get a series of tattoos that I’m calling the “One Hour Tattoo” and I hope to make time lapse videos of all of them. The first tattoo I’ve had done is by Rhys Gordon at InnerVision Tattoo in Sydney, Australia. He drew the skull and cross bones while we were chatting for his interview, which we some how managed not to do! He came out a couple days later to visit with us while we were working in Melbourne and I interviewed him there. I’ll wait to tell you more about Rhys when we post his interview for BMEtv.

rhysDue to weird inconsistencies with the “Auto-Play”, I’ve moved the video to behind the jump. Click the image to go to the post to watch the video or click more.

Hope you enjoy the video! Don’t forget that you can make your own videos and upload them to the new video sections on

Souls to Burn

Here’s a little known fact: Dan DiMattia of Calypso Tattoo is not actually a tattoo artist. Weird, right? Because you’ve seen all these beautiful things that he claims to have tattooed? Never. Not once has he tattooed a person. You know how he tipped his hand? “His” “pieces” are too good. No human being could actually produce tattoos that gorgeous. Either Dan DiMattia is some sort of space creature, or he is in league with magicians and/or witches who just make these works of art appear. These are obviously the only two reasonable options to explain how he can consistently claim to produce such incredible work. (Actually, there’s a third option, one which involves me being a moron. Guess which one is correct! I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.)

That’s it for today, ModBlog. Embrace the evening, and we’ll see you tomorrow.

See more in Skull and Skeleton tattoos (Tattoos)