What are you doing for Solstice?

If you’re in the Toronto area, be sure to click through for more information on the Toronto Winter Swimming Club (which has lots of members from BME) — we’re going out for a solstice swim today (and swim regularly in the winter water if you can’t come today). Come along, it’s fun!

Anyway, I’m taking a break until the New Year. I hope everyone enjoyed 2006, and thank you all for the support and photos, stories, and help.


Shadowsoldier‘s ears are fun for the whole family, with mom on the left and grandma on the right. She writes, “notice the disgust on my moms face and how interested my grandma looks!”

That’s good, because the last thing my grandmother said to me about my mother kicking me out of the house because of how I looked (long, long ago of course) was “well look at you — how do you expect us to treat you” or something like that.