BME Newsfeed for Oct 30, 2006

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BME Newsfeed for Oct 29, 2006

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Michelle, “The Pass Around Girl” [The Publisher’s Ring]

WARNING: This article contains explicit photographs.

Michelle, “The Pass Around Girl”

Be not too liberal; it doth belong to dogs alone to fuck the whole day long."
          - Friedrich Nietzsche

After I posted photos of “Michelle, The Pass Around Girl” and her extremely direct and explicit tattoos on ModBlog, it generated a flurry of comments and debate about them. Were they part of a D/s relationship? Were they self-abuse or derogatory in some way? Michelle, an educated (she has a Masters Degree in English) and STD-free sex addict and cancer survivor, answered a few questions for us via email. You can also watch out for her in November when the interviews she did with Dr. Phil and Dr. Keith Ablow should air.

BME: Tell me a little about yourself.
MICHELLE: I am twenty-seven years old, five and a half feet tall and 135 pounds. I reside in Denver, Colorado. I am married to the adult actress, BisexualBritni and have been for almost eight years.
BME: And tell me a little about your difficulties with sex addiction?

MICHELLE: I have a huge problem with sex addiction and have been trying to shed light on the fact that women suffer from sex addiction as well as men. I have been fired from every job I have ever had for having sex on the job. I had affairs on my first husband to the point where he killed himself. I have had almost thirty affairs on Britni, and my marriage with her is in shambles.
  I will betray anyone, at any time, to have sex with men or women. When I tried to fight my addiction and not have sex with people, I got myself jailed three times for domestic assaults on Britni. I have been confined to mental institutions twice for my outbursts that stem from not acting on my addiction. I have desperately tried to get help for my addiction, but all the hospitals who treat sexual addictions only cater to men and have no facilities for women. I currently attend Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) meetings and am doing the best I can with my addiction.
BME: When did the tattooing process begin?
MICHELLE: I started the tattoo process during the time I was initially trying not to act out on my addiction. Since I was trying hard not to actually have sex with everyone I spoke to during a day, my sexual addiction came out in other ways. My mind could not, would not, and could not stop focusing on sex 24/7 — I was wet and turned on all day, every day. My pussy ached so bad for attention that I could barely function.

  I combated this, and in an attempt not to cheat on Britni again, I started tattooing what I was thinking on my body. The tattoo process — the pain — helped release the endorphins I live for, and when I looked in a mirror I could see what I was addicted to. Of course, being a sex addict, once I realized that the sexual tattoos made me feel better, I started doing a lot of them and I will be adding many more.
BME: How did the tattoos progress?
MICHELLE: I started with the “Cum Slut” tattoo and had no intentions of going further at that point. Then, while I was obsessing about sex, I would think of another tattoo and go have that done. Then, another and another. The words got more direct as the tattoos went on. By the time I was at “cum in me” and “fuck my whore ass”, I started to realize I was acting on my sexual addiction in a different way. I can barely go a day without having sex, and everything I do in my life is geared toward having sex. I can have four extramarital affairs a week and not break a sweat or feel any guilt — my body drives me toward sex to a degree most doctors have never heard of.
BME: Do any of the tattoos show while you’re out in public?
MICHELLE: The two girls kissing on my chest shows up daily in most everything I wear, and since I often wear bare midriff shirts, the “cum slut” and “cum in me” tattoos show up rather often. Plus, I have the lesbian tattoo on my lower left ankle and script that says “girls will do girls” — plenty of people see them, and plenty are offended by them I am sure. Though my wife is the adult actress, and I have posed for very few adult-type photos, the Internet’s reaction to the tattoos has been overwhelming — I was sort of surprised actually. BME is the first to publish my photos on an actual website.
BME: What would you say to feminists that say the tattoos are negative toward women?
MICHELLE: Feminists bother me. They decide what is good and bad for women in the same way men do. I will do what I please, when I please, and that is feminism. I will or will not get whatever tattoo I like.

BME: Who did the tattoos? Was it hard to convince them?
MICHELLE: In LA, the ink was done by Nathan’s Tattoo on Topanga Canyon Blvd, and in Denver, the work was done by Low Life Tattoo on Broadway. I have to stay with those shops as quite a few won’t do this sort of work. I was told “no thanks” several times before I found artists open minded enough to do what I asked them for. Nathan’s Tattoo in LA really enjoyed doing this sort of work. I think it was new and different to them, and a break from the same old stuff.
BME: What do your partners think of the ink?
MICHELLE: Men absolutely love the ink. They like to act out what my tattoos say — “fuck my whore pussy” and so on. Britni thinks they are hot, as do many other girls I have had sex with. People basically love the ink until I upset them, or say no to having sex with them — then they are easy targets for insults… “What kind of loser tattoos themselves with shit like that?” or “I bet your mom and dad are proud of you.”
BME: Have doctors said anything about them?
MICHELLE: A handful of doctors have seen them and said nothing. I can see it in their eyes when they read them, but to their credit, they say nothing. I did have one nurse in a mental hospital go down on me after asking a few questions about my tattoos. So the ink seems to have prompted at least one healthcare professional to act improperly. I was just surprised it was a woman that did it, and not a man.
BME: Your ‘A’ is a Scarlet Letter reference I assume?
MICHELLE: Yes, you’re right. It is a scarlet letter and brands me as the Adultress that I am. I don’t mean to have the affairs that I have, but I seem powerless to stop them. If someone pays attention to me, the only thing I can think about, until I have sex with them, is having sex with them.

BME: When you call yourself “The Pass Around Girl”, is that literal, or is it a persona?
MICHELLE: My last job was an $80,000 a year position as a supervisor for RTD in Denver — I was fired for having sex with the people I supervised. I found out I was known as the “pass around girl” by the bus drivers. It was not a term of endearment, I assure you. The term just sort of stuck, and that is often how I am referred to, and I often refer to myself as such.
BME: Thank you! Finally, how can people get in touch with you?
MICHELLE: I hope my story has been able to help people — I can be contacted at [email protected].

Shannon Larratt

Crazy Australians

I skip rope so badly that I’m convinced the only reason worth doing it at the gym (I go to a boxing gym) is so that other people can have a chuckle. xKRISTAx on the other hand, is hopefully far more coordinated. Or maybe she just learns from negative reinforcement… I’m sure if I pierced the ends of my skipping rope into my back, after a few stumbles I’d quickly improve!

33 weeks, 4 days

You know, when I first started getting pierced and tattooed, it was very uncommon to meet parents and soon-to-be parents that were modified… These days though, as this community ages and grows, it seems more and more normal, to the point where it no longer seems even the slightest bit odd to see a heavily tattooed or otherwise augmented parent — in this case, Lonchura. I wonder how we’ll respond to our kids that rebel against us by trying to act ultra-normal?

PS. It’s her birthday on Sunday too if you want an excuse to say hello.