On the subject of commercialism…

But hey, commercialism pays the bills… Better to have BMEshop ads that the insanely stupid (seriously, don’t buy the junk) “tattoo removal” creams and so on that Google keeps insisting on dumping in the tattoo galleries (we actually had a little staff meeting today debating whether we should cancel GoogleAds to avoid these scams, although I’d like to think that BME readers are well enough informed not to be conned by them).

Thanks to Trillance for sending in these shots of Kim and her Guess Where BME shirt (and BME belt buckle), which as a point of trivia has sold more copies than any other single design that we’ve ever done, and has also been consistently in print longer than any other design other than the classic.

Anyway, that’s all for this evening, but like I said, I’ve got plenty more to post over the next couple weeks and will get it all queued up so things keep running in zombie mode while I’m under the knife. There’s also been a zillion images posted to BME, and I’ll have an experience update posted there later tonight as well!

Implanted Chest

These implants that Moritura had done by Swastika Freakshop (www) are really aesthetically gorgeous… I like them a lot! These two photos were taken on day five, so you can still see the sutures and a little brusing, as well as some swelling — if you visit her on IAM (or the BME implant galleries) you can see them with a lot more definition and in various other stages of healing.

Bry’s Gag Tattoos

White Guy Bry swears that his “small” tattoo (done at Exo Graphix in Destin, FL) gets him laughs at the beach, although he doesn’t say whether they’re laughing at him or with him… Being a pun fan, I personally prefer the tattoo on the right (by Michelle at Mejestik in Tucson, AZ). If you don’t get it, it’s his nipple ring.

He also has STD’s on his ass — I’m sure you can guess that joke (and you can view more silliness on his new IAM page) — but the mirror writing on his chest is really, really sweet… it’s a note from his sister.