Sangre de la Rosa

For this fine Thursday morning I’ve got something new from Misty‘s ever growing BME portfolio gallery.

It took about 2 hours to do the cutting, and if you can’t tell by the above photo, it’s located right above the sternum, a place known for producing some interesting scars on people.  Here’s a closer look at the rose itself.

I can’t wait to see how this one heals up.

If you were wondering how you could get your own BME portfolio gallery, simply send an email to Jen, [email protected], and let her know.  Artists of all kinds are welcome to set up their own galleries, as well as studios, suspension crews, and more.  Once you’ve got your gallery set up, all you have to do is label all your photo submissions with your own tag using the handy uploading tool, and you’re good to go.

The Friday Follow-up

Well, it is Friday, which means it’s time for this week’s scarification follow-up.  Today’s scar is unique in that it was the artist’s first scarification piece ever (that wasn’t done on herself).  The artist of course is none other than Hooklife and IAM’s own SouthTownBaby.  So for Misty’s first scarification piece she cut an anchor into her client.

We’ve seen other scars by Misty, and for someone who is still new to the art, she can nail circles like a pro.  Oh, and the rest of it is pretty awesome too.  Let’s see how it looks a couple of months into healing.

It looks like it’s coming along just fine.  You can check out more of Misty’s work in her BME Portfolio Gallery.

Also, to all those scarification artists, and those of you with scars, remember to keep sending in those fresh and healed photos to the gallery.  Scarification follow-ups are the posts that I get the most request for in a given week but I can’t do them without your photos.  So log in to your free account with BME, and start uploading those photos.

Circular reasoning

It’s great seeing artists grow in their work, especially ones like Misty, who continually put their work out into the public and communicate with other professionals in order to improve.  What you end up with is pieces like this, a fantastic Ourobors scarification piece, that show just how much she’s improved in such a small time.

You can see more of Misty’s work in her BME portfolio.  Given that she only started scarification work in the past year, with how well she’s progressing, I can’t wait to see what comes next.

The Friday Follow-up

In brightest day…

In blackest night..

Today’s follow-up is an awesome sight

I remember seeing Josh walking around with the scar at SusCon, and then going over to southtownbaby and demanding follow-up pictures as soon as she got them.  This was one of the first few scars that she had done, so seeing it heal is part of the learning experience to a budding scarificiation artist.  So it’s been a couple of months, let’s take a look at how it’s healing up.

So here’s the scar after the first month of healing.

And here’s a photo of it another month later.

You can see that as it healed, certain areas raised up more than others.  This is due to how each person heals, as well as how the skin moves on that part of the body.  You cans see more of Misty’s work in her BME Portfolio Gallery

Dallas Suscon 2011 – Day 1/2

I’m spending the weekend in Dallas for this year’s annual SusCon.  For those that don’t know, SusCon is an annual event hosted by‘s Allen Falkner.  The point of the weekend is for suspension crews from all over to come together to learn from each other, and of course have a good time.  This weekend is very much a learning weekend as crews bring not only their most experienced members, but also new members who are learning the ropes.

This ended up being a bit wordy, so I’ll save some space on the main page by bumping it behind a click though. So just click the read more button to see the rest.

After an early flight out of Buffalo on Thursday, and a short layover in Atlanta, myself and members of iHung and IWasCured landed in Dallas only to be greeted by grey skies and rain.  Once we got settled into the hotel, we hopped in a cab and headed down to the SusCon space. This year’s location is the same as last year’s; an unassuming warehouse outside downtown Dallas.  To see it from the outside, you would never guess that inside was a bustle of activity.

Thursday isn’t officially a SusCon day, rather it is a day for volunteers to come and help clean and set up for the weekend.  With only 20 people around, the warehouse feels empty, yet the air is alive with anticipation.  Whether it was friends reuniting, or strangers meeting for the first time, there is an unspoken acknowledgment that something significant is on the horizon.  Introductions go by quick as it’s time for all hands on deck.  The space is a mess.  Trash from destroyed art is everywhere, light fixtures are on the ground, toilets have yet to be installed, and the kitchen is so full of junk the food is laying out on a bench in the main space.

Without anyone asking for help, everyone jumps into action.  As people slowly trickle in throughout the day the first order of business is to get dirty.  The kitchen team is hard at work prepping food for the weekend.  Last minute calls are being made to confirm deliveries.  Loud music is now pumping out of the speakers as this organized chaos moves about the room.  I get a chance to talk to people as we’re cleaning and with everyone the feeling is evident, they all want this weekend to be something they’re proud of.

In the early afternoon the skies begin to lighten and the dust being swept out into the courtyard catches the rays of sunshine peeking through the clouds.  With the sun comes the heat, and you can see everyone slowing down.  Thankfully with everyone helping, most of the work is finished.  The trash is cleared, the lights are on, and the toilets are flushing.  The music has become quiet and voices are now echoing throughout the hall.  You can hear the satisfaction in those voices, knowing that in a few short hours this place will be filled with people who all share the same passions that they do.

By the end of the first day there are well over 50 people who have shown up early to help.  From California to Canada, from Norway to New Zealand, one thing is on everyone’s mind: SusCon has begun.

I get up late on Friday, and after finishing the news of the week I head over to the warehouse.  By the time I arrive the event is in full swing.  I get my registration paperwork filled out and are lead on a tour by Jason from iHung.  While I was sleeping back at the hotel, the had taken the first shuttle bus over and set up all of the necessary stations.  What was once an empty room with no lights, was now the suture station, with all the necessary equipment and supplies.  All the suspension points had been selected, and there were already people in the air.  The tour concludes with a peek at the outdoor points, including a return of “The Dome”, a massive PVC pipe structure.

I’m not there for 15 minutes when the call goes out for the team leaders to gather for the first official meeting of SusCon.  Allen welcomes everyone, and dives right into business.  This meeting isn’t about telling the crews what to do, it is an opportunity for voices to be heard.  The agenda is simple, “How can we improve from last year”.  One by one the suggestions come flying in. One of the key points made is that this weekend is a learning weekend.  Each team has a number of members who are considered trainees, so all teams are being encouraged to step up and involve their trainees in every step, from prep to clean-up, piercing to bleed-out.

As Friday is registration day not much is left to do.  The only thing left on the agenda for the day is the welcome party at Dallas’ Lizard Lounge.

I’m kicking myself for not bringing my camera, as the show itself was something to be experienced.  Southtownbaby kicked off the show with a beautiful crucifixion suspension high above the crowd.  Following the suspension, Mosh took the stage.  The entire room was transfixed on her while she performed a classical burlesque routine.  Finally Swing Shift Side Show took the stage and as usual blew the roof off.  After a short intermission, everyone returned for a second performance, and were joined by Genne Laasko, modeling her line of incredible jewelry (which I featured a few weeks back).  Of course I would be remiss without mentioning the fantastic job Havve did hosting the night’s festivities.  Interweaving parts of his own act into the time between tonight’s guests made it a non-stop roller coaster of blood, sweat and whiskey.

Now you’re probably wondering where the photos are.  Well it seems that in my rush out the door I grabbed the wrong USB cord, so all of the photos from the past two days are sitting on my camera.  Hopefully I’ll find someone today who has a compatible cord as Saturday is the biggest day of SusCon. I’ll check back in tomorrow, hopefully with some pictures.

In brightest day…

In brightest day, in blackest night,

No geeky scar will escape my sight.

Southtownbaby is one nerdy artist.  She’s been piercing for a few years now, and has started getting into scarification work.  This piece in particular was done on a friend, and from what I can see she’s doing a great job.  So keep an eye on the scarification galleries for more of her work.  And before you ask for a follow-up on this one, it’s already in the works.  Hopefully we’ll see it either this week or next.

Suspending Passion

To the great many people out there that suspend, it can easily become a strong passion in their life.  Southtownbaby is one such person.  We’ve seen her on ModBlog before with her bird of paradise scar.  Today, we get to see her enjoying something she has a passion for.  As a bonus, she’s even shared with us something special, just to show you how much suspending means to her.

The ressurection suspension was facilitated by Hanging City Suspensions down in Fort Smith, AZ.

Keep reading to see the added bonus…

This 3-D implant was designed and crafted by Steve Haworth, and was put in by JesseStar

Well, that’s it for 2010 ModBlog.  I hope everyone has a fun and safe new year’s eve.  And remember, you’re always welcome to join me and the rest of the BME staff at the BME NYE Party!  Just check the event listing for all the details.