Zachariah says that he has an ass so sweet that he had to get a cupcake on it (done by Adrian at Seventh Street Tattoo in Little Rock, AR).
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Eye Tattoo Update — Josh
Following up on the last eyeball tattoo photos, which I have to admit looked a little photoshopped and I had my suspicions that they looked “too good to be true”, Shawn Porter snapped this photo of Josh‘s incredible now all-blue eye tattoo. It is too good AND true! There are now around a dozen people in this community who’ve tattooed their eyes to one extent or another (I’m dying to see Cutthroat’s all-black eye) — will this snowball like tongue splitting, although thought to be a potentially terrible idea, did in 1998?
This tattoo was done by Howie (LunaCobra) of course, using eight to ten injections using two colors of blue ink to get the effect… He tells me tomorrow he’s doing an eye using a mix of red and black ink to do a “demon eye”… Damn!
Nick’s Facial Work Continues
Updating you on NYC’s most tattooed architect’s facial tattoo work, here’s the latest photo of Nick‘s striking facial work by Tattoo Joe at Physical Grafitti in Bridgeport, CT. I love where this project is going, and it’s a real gift to be able to watch people undergoing this sort of transition.
Edit/update: Read comment #22 for some background on Nick.
X-Rays and CT scans of piercings
Following up on the recently posted xray entry on surface bars, Excess sent in these shots of his pubic and clavicle surface bars piercings done for him by Julia Fyre and Brian Decker of PURE in NYC. Three more shots continue after the break — the torso shots are xrays and the head shots are CT scans.
I like his hair…
Photo taken by Singl on the first day of the 2008 Moscow Tattoo Convention…
Hint: it involves an amputation
But what hole is it (c/o iam:nospec)?
I think this customer of Rae at Liquid in Lubbock, Texas is very clearly asking that someone ride him… (PS. Previously).
Self-Portrait Tattoo
Chavito got a funny cracked self-portrait done by Craneo at Garage Ink in Mexico City, which is (I think) where he’s also the piercer…
Bleeding Knife
This time, much less graphic and shocking than the one added half an hour ago! Billy’s ribs, a scarification and tattoo combo piece, were done by Shon.
A couple punny genital tattoos
The uncensored photos continue after the break…
Above, photo by Lane, Dragon FX Kingsway in Edmonton asks, “who’s he going to shoot with … next?” I suppose… The literal “One-Eyed Jack” tattoo below, done by Mr. Blue at Ink It in London UK, was tagged by the wearer “Looking for some fun”…