The only person to bend a 4ga Gilson

A lot of people will tell you what you see in this video is not possible, but following up on the photo at the bottom of this recent entry, in this video you’ll see Neil Chakrabarti — already a heavy guy himself — lift two other heavy guys for a total of something around 800 pounds. Off a single 4ga Gilson hook. He didn’t tear out, but the hook did bend slightly. I doubt there is a single other person on the planet who can make that particular claim. I should mention that this video is from a great big YouTube playlist of 122 videos showing Suspension Mecca 2012. Never forget that the human body is stronger than steel.

Fifteen Years of Tongue Splitting!

I was recently reminded that tongue splits are now in their 15th year. Here’s my tongue split, done (according to the time stamp on the photos), August 13th, 1997, which was the 4th known tongue split if memory serves. A guy in Italy was done by his dentist in 1996/1997, and then Erik Sprague/The Lizardman tracked down a doctor in Albany and was the first to get the procedure done by him using an argon Laser. I was (I believe) the third — Tom Brazda took these pictures when he came to visit me in Philly. It is The Lizardman who I credit with having launched this movement, even though he was technically not the “first”. After me I believe the doctor did about ten more people (Erik would know better as he referred many of them) and then stopped when the media attention started and he got worried about losing his license. At about the same time, although not as publicly, Dustin, split her own tongue slowly using the tie-off method. This procedure was slow and painful, and most people who attempted it gave up before finishing. Things moved very slowly over the next year, with a few people quietly attempting different procedures — for example, Tim Cridland (the Torture King) gave himself a short split by scalpelling back bit by bit, as the initial Italian mod enthusiast had done.

After that, “renegade practitioners” started testing the waters, for example Todd Bertrang did the procedure with a scalpel and Patrick Bartholomew doing it with his cautery tool, proving it could be done by a bodmod practitioner outside of a doctor’s office, and then Pandora’s box was open. BME’s tongue splitting gallery, which is dated and the most comprehensive history anywhere on this subject, show only a tiny number of tongue splits in 1998. But then more in 1999, and in 2000 the procedure was spreading quickly with more and more practitioners adding it to their repetoire as experience proved that you weren’t going to kill your clients! By 2001, virtually every single BME update saw new tongue splitting pictures added to the galleries.

As of when I write this post, I believe there are six or seven people who can claim to be in the “15 year club” — that said, you never know what went on behind closed doors, unpublished. By the end of the year that number is at most twenty, and I doubt it’s even that high. But by the end of 2000? The number starting to roll in is HUGE, and tongue splitting has come of age. And maybe most importantly, of all body modifications, tongue splits are one of the only where I don’t think I’ve ever heard a single regret.


On the run

When it comes to Super Mario games the one that gets overlooked the most would have to be Yoshi’s Island.  Which is a shame because it first introduced us to the character of Baby Mario.  But not everyone has forgotten Baby Mario, as you can see below in this photo sent in by Migoreng.

Coming in on the Red Eye

I can’t go to bed without first posting this awesome light red full-sclera eyeball tattoo by Emilio Gonzalez. I can’t say I’m sold on the odd eyebrow tattoos, but the red eye? I’m totally loving it. I’m sure he can’t wait to get the other eye done as well. Nonetheless, welcome to a life of answering the same questions over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and … you get the idea.


When does it become a “Stupid Human Trick”?

I have a “big question” and I’m not sure if I can even get an honest answer about it, but I will ask it nonetheless. Do highly technical suspensions — like this masterpiece (and there were many) from the recent Suspension MECCA 2012 — veer too far toward performance art or even visual art, and too far away from ritual? At what point do we lose the potential for profound transformative experience, and are left only with “stupid human tricks” that make little more than a cool photo? Or on the other hand, is the flesh hook experience so powerful that nothing could distract from it? Personally I have some strong suspicions about the first option, but my own limited flesh hook experiences make me lean toward the second. I’d very much like to hear more experienced voices.


I should add — Since I often get more responses on my Facebook links to ModBlog than on ModBlog itself, I will copy the more interesting responses across to ModBlog for permanent archive, since while Facebook excels at volume traffic, it also excels at throwing valuable commentary into the digital crapbasket of forgetfulness.

A Good Afternoon via Implants and Scars

Two days ago I posted a neat set of star-shaped horns (placed impressively precisely underneath preexisting tattoos), but I wanted to follow up with another star implant, this one by Matias at Rata Body Art in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It’s fresh in the photo — as you already know if you noticed the incision tucked away at the hairline. As great as this looks, I don’t think I would personally want a temple implant — even lightly resting my finger on my temples makes me feel like I’ve got a killer headache coming on. I’d hate to find that I’d implanted something on top of a pressure spot that slowly drives me insane! Oh wait, I started that way. No worries then, I shall do it.


Speaking of Matias, I’ve also been meaning to show you this nice oldschool sailor-art Gypsy girl portrait that he cut over top of a black field of ink. I think it will work especially well due to the stars that sit in the negative space surrounding the canvas of the scarification.


And while I’m on the subject of scarification, I wanted to also show you this superb collar-piece “art scar” that Azl Kelly of Mtl Tattoo created as part of a “aesthetic beheading performance”. There’s a lot to be said for really pure designs. There’s a school of thought among many writers that the less words you can use to completely and effectively describe something, the better. Now, I’ve never been particularly good at that — I’m so redundantly wordy and repetitive that you could Swiss-cheese a print out of my essays with a machinegun and effectively understand what I was saying from the tatters that are left. Azl on the other hand has figured out how to speak volumes with a single incision.

m-azlscar1t m-azlscar2t m-azlscar3t

And, well, since I’m doing the “this things reminds me of this thing” game with this long entry, let me add two more implants, both swastika implants under a black tattoo, which visually makes them “pop” even more because of the way the light hits it. The one on the left, in the forearm, is the work of Samppa Von Cyborg, who you know well of course. The one on the right, the implant on the top of a hand, is by an artist you may not know quite as well, Hugo Ferreira of Biotek Toulouse in France. The arm is fresh in the photo, and the hand is about a month old.

m-swasimp1t m-swasimp2t

PS. I apologize for the crap image quality in this entry — I accidentally overcompressed. I’m really having “one of those days” as the old saying goes.

Guess What?

Well after yesterday’s play piercing related Guess What? post, I figured I should follow it up with one that involves a piercing of a more permanent nature.  There’s actually a great story that goes along with this one, so be sure to read ahead even if you can’t figure it out.

It’s not every day we get an elaborate outer labia project, so check out the photo below to see it in all it’s glory.

Now, those of you who guessed HCH, you were close enough to being right that you get a point.  And those of you who were thinking it was tonsil related, sorry, better luck next time.  Now as I mentioned before there is a story behind these piercings and the chastity play.  Here’s how IAM: Spanklet describes her interest in modifications…

My nipples were pierced as a gift for my 21st birthday and my labia were pierced in 2001 – the first time. It was during this time that I had my horizontal clitoral hood pierced which has now stretched to 8 gauge.

After life changes it was suddenly 2012 and I decided to reconnected with my own body and had my outer labia pierced again 6 times, with 3 on each side all done at once using 8 gauge needles and jewelry. In the following 12 months these jewels have been upsized to 2 gauge (6mm diameter). Sadly two piercings were rejected by my body leaving 4 outer labia piercings at this time.

My inner labia have 6 small gauge piercings, 4 of which were done in 2001 and the next two done on my kitchen table by a good friend in 2011.

Aside from the obvious aesthetics, my interest flows onto using weights for the joy of sensations and also with interesting jewelry to adorn my most intimate and womanly parts.

Welcome to my world, my life, my flesh, this body of mine, my femininity, my experiences of pain and pleasure creating intimate body art.

Be sure to visit her IAM page to check in with her and follow her on her journey.