Penectomy Edgeplay

To me, castration edgeplay and penectomy edgeplay is sort of the same death-wish thrill (at least in appearance) that you see in some of the crazy solo apnea/breathhold videos — it plays on a very, very fine line that if you cross it, your life will never, ever be the same again (but as you can see, there are many healed scars as well as the fresh injuries in the photos). In any case, I guess you could say the same thing about rockclimbing in terms of risky play that people find fulfilling.

BME Newsfeed for Apr 4, 2007

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Super Humans

First up is Chris (The old Memento Mori is dead. From now on, I am.. Chris) lapsing into a superman suspension..

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DivX download link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members

Then there’s this slideshow (courtesy of yours truly, and not half as fancy as the one above) showing some of the other suspensions that day..

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DivX download link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members

The protagonists are – Ken (clinging onto Capt. Stupid Head for dear life), Jessica, Michelle (not on IAM, yet), and of course Meme Chris!

All suspensions aided and abetted by the iWasCured crew – Shell, Jon, Phil and Mikey.

And of course, as always, the suspension space was donated by Badur, a.k.a. Hot Stuff.

Excuse all the links, it couldn’t be helped.

BME Newsfeed for Apr 3, 2007

Please note that links may expire. IAM members, please help out by submitting stories!

Koz and his Eliphant Thong

Here’s Koz, swinging around wildly in more ways than one, suspending at Steve‘s 30th birthday party (313 Suspension Team, photographs by Jeff C Fetish, Chicago IL).

If you’re wondering what Steve did for his 30th, he wasn’t just sitting back enjoying others putting on a show — also photographed by Jeff, here’s a shot of Steve doing his second four-point wrist suspension. I wonder what the “official” name for a wrist suspension should be. It reminds me of an escape artist act…