Dermal Abrasion Scarification

Along with chemical scarification (more info), dermabrasion scarification (more info) — literally what it sounds like; the creation of a scar by using abrasive tools to grind off the skin — is one of the rarest forms of body modification. It is almost always DIY or otherwise done outside of a studio, and very little information exists on its results, controllability, and general viability. Here’s Amanda M. giving it a try on a friend in Carnegie, PA. Watch the BME galleries for healed results later I hope.

Mirin Dajo

The post about Simon skewering his gut reminded me of Dutch mystic and probably the most extreme Western fakir ever, Mirin Dajo, who could take deep skewers through organs in the core of his body. I saw another video claiming he was a con artist and had a series of healed fistula creating procedures in order to created a healed “piercing” that could fake this. A healed piercing through organs? It’s ridiculous. In any case, here’s the video:

When it rains it pours

So my Ubuntu computer died because I tried to see if I could still boot to my Windows partition — which it could, but doing so somehow trashed the drives so on the next cycle neither OS would load… Anyway, some photos of Bella Vendetta by Johnny Tattoo in a BME shirt.

I lost all of my ModBlog work (like pending entries), which is sort of a pain, and a couple minor things, but all in all it was mostly time lost.