Now that’s a hardcore navel piercing!

Shawn O’Hare (Charlies House of Tattoos and Body Piercing, Camarillo CA) did this intense piercing over two years ago and it seems to be doing fine… Back in the early nineties, the APP ran a series of articles telling people that these piercings could lead to liver infections (they went through a conservative phase) — luckily that worry seems to have been an empty one!

Lucky Thursday

OK… I like Thursdays, and I really like pretty girls with mods of all kinds. So that’s my plan here for today. If you don’t like it, Steve will smash a flourescent tube on you (and can I just say, wow, whoever’s on the camera — that’s some awesome trigger finger timing). Oh, and don’t worry overly hetero girls and overly homo guys… I will do a “Lucky BMEboy Day” soon as well.

Oh yeah, and it’s Phil‘s birthday today! He’s the guy that processes pretty much every single image that you see on BME and does an aweful lot of the work that keeps the site going. Happy Birthday Phil!

Lucky BMEgirl Thursday 3/15

You’ll find the full set of these and lots more in BME/HARD‘s bonus galleries… If you’re a member and haven’t checked out that section, it’s a pretty neat area of the site that covers a really broad range of erotic interests. Anyway, click through for more photos (or here for a bonus shot) from this set from some old friends of mine.

Lucky BMEgirl Thursday 7/15

Speaking of modifications that tend to lean more toward one gender or another, I really think these 10mm nostrils (between 3/8″ and 7/16″) look great on Kaldir. It’s funny though — I remember it really wasn’t that long ago that 7/16″ nostrils were seen as mind-blowingly big. Now they don’t seem so strange. But I guess it was the same in the late 80s for ears. I think back then I had lobes about this size and it freaked people out enough that photos would get taken — now people barely notice even 2″ lobes.