Old-school Play Piercing Interview

This interview is with an individual who spent about thirty years doing play piercing on himself, without any outside influence or guidance… Because it went on in private like this, it’s quite interesting to juxtapose it with the current style of play piercing that’s much more popular. Anyway, click through to read the article, and then come back here to comment.

What are you having for dinner?

Let me remind you, if you can’t handle it, please, don’t click and don’t comment.

For a quick “why”, some people like to push the sensations of their sexual experiences farther than what vanilla sex can provide, and to do so, one has to figure out how to integrate pain and all other sensations and emotions into the mix to get the most intense experience. I always wonder why people have trouble understanding that or get upset when they’re exposed to it — it’s not as if the concept is alien in other arenas, most obviously things like extreme sports (freeclimbing for example), and of course most body ritual (suspension and so on) also gives a hint of the same phenomena as well.

Edgeplay, For Sure

Warning: this is heavier than what I usually post; don’t click it if you’re not already OK with the general meme of the guess what series…

Highlight this white text if you want an explanation after you play “Guess What”:
This is a combination of saline injection and ball exposure, which, if you’re looking for extreme sexual sensation — and for those that don’t understand that’s what this is about; to push the boundaries of pleasure to their extremes you have to pair it with pain — is definitely an ideal way to go, but it’s also absolutely playing with fire if you don’t understand extremely well how to minimize the risks involved.