…Until it’s too late! I’m going to hope that this tattoo is a clever spelling joke, lest this Indiana University of PA student may not graduate with stellar marks!
Tag Archives: body-modification
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Mayan Dentistry meets Modern Dentistry
Thanks to Christian Noni for the latest article in the Cultural Corner:
Sorry about the sporadic absent posting for the last bit… Kaite‘s oldschool swallows are a tribute to her father’s tatoo, and were done for her by Alison at Westside Tattoo in Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Big lip plate!
G.C. in Bournemouth, UK just managed to stretch up his lip piercing to 34.4mm (about 1 3/8″)… (See also: Have mursi!)
When life gives you lemons
Bring those lemons on down to Manny in San Bernardo, Argentina and make yourself some lemonade! (See also: Cheesecutter Effect).
So many gags, so few fingers!
Plaid‘s tattoos by Chris R. at EZ Tattoo in Scottsdale, AZ — a finger mustach (just touched up for the third time), a question mark, an explanation mark [edit: oh my god I can’t believe I typed that, but it’s such an idiotic typo that I had to leave it in], and… shock and awe.
How do you say “Lizardman” in Braille?
Denny got this scaled branding (at about ten days in this photo) done by Reverend Decay at American Tattoo in Knoxville, MD. It should be interesting how it looks and feels as it goes through the stages of healing. (Point of trivia — if you’re wondering what it would have looked like if The Lizardman had done this prior to his tattoos, the answer is “nothing”, because he barely scars).
Etienne’s Big Horns
Etienne just had these large horns done by Lukas Zpira… They look amazing along with his full facial tattoos (a good combination as usual, in my opinion; see also Bruce Potts, before and after his facial implants under his similar tattoo).
El Pibe de Oro
This great portrait of Diego Armando Maradona (an Argentinian soccer player) was tattooed by Alex de Pase in Grado, Italy (previously: jester tattoo).
Tattooed Boys in Singapore
Tattoos by nouVobEats at Inked Singapore in the Orchard Plaza, Singapore.