I was recently interviewed about “internal body modification”, and we talked about uvula piercing, discrete implants, cervix piercing, soft palette piercing, and debated whether tongue piercings and tongue splitting counted. We talked about internal scarification (and martial arts designed to do “body building” on internal organs), and internal tattooing. At the time, the only example other than oral tattooing (tongues, and I’ve seen a soft palette tattoo as well) I could think of was anal tattooing, but in today’s update (which is just finished uploading and I hope to uncompress it before I go to bed) is lots from my DIY-mod friend “Black Cock” who has a bonus gallery in BME/HARD, and reminded me of two other examples. Read on…

I’ll explain the gnarly picture above in a moment, but BC has got nearly completely black genitals from DIY tattooing, including his urethra, which is a more-common-than-you’d-imagine modification as I can think of a few guys who’ve tattooed the insides of their subincisions (ouch!).

Unfortunately his constant tattooing has left him with some scarring on the glans:

The method is uses for tattooing is a large syringe full of ink which he injects under the skin. He’s recently experimented with much deeper injections, causing his internal tissues to be tattooed as well as he heavily saturates his genitals with ink. He did what amounts to a saline injection but with tattoo ink, so large part of the inside of his scrotum and perhaps part of his testicles are now black as well — in the title picture above, taken not long after the fresh picture below, you can see that the injection points unfortunately became abscesses as his body resisted this transformation.

Anyway, if you’re a member, there are something like 300 new pictures in his already extensive gallery.