Ecstasy in Grey

I got a message a couple days ago from Allen telling me to check out the work of Dallas artist Mike Tidwell from Hold Fast Tattoo.  What caught Allen’s eye was this piece, a greyscale replica of Alex Grey’s “Ecstasy”.

Given how intricate Alex Grey’s art is, Mike should be commended for such an accurate recreation.  Let’s hope we see more from him in the future.

Above the mountain top

Michel Kozlenko

Kipod Tattoo, Tel Aviv, Isreal

A mountain top never looked so good.

We see a lot of tattoos come out of Kipod studios, and rightfully so.  Michael and the rest of the artists consistently put out solid work, and are kind enough to share it with us in the studio’s portfolio gallery.

If you’re an artist and would like your own portfolio gallery, simply e-mail [email protected] and send in your request.  After that whenever you submit photos you can put them directly into your gallery.

Simple Symmetry

We’re kicking off this fine Tuesday morning with the tattoos of one IAM: Ratcaver.  Now you may recall her David Bowie photoshoot from last November where we got a good look at her double collar bone implants.  Taking a gander at her back we can see how she’s opted for a very minimalistic style with the dotted line on the spine and the screw head on her lower back and wrists.

After looking at her IAM page, it’s clear that she has a very specific plan for her modifications, and these tattoos are only a piece of a larger puzzle.  Credit for the tattoo goes to Andy Zert-One from Paradigm Body Art in Arnhem, The Netherlands.

Want to take part in something groundbreaking?

After months of planning and research, a new project is about to get underway that is both a living art exhibit and a journey into the very limits of body modification.  I’ve known about this for a little while, but I had been asked to keep quiet until the time was right.  Well, today is the day.

The artist behind this project has asked to remain anonymous for now, but he/she has been featured on ModBlog several times before.  This project is the culmination of many years of hard work.  That project?  The Arnie Composition.

The focus of the project is to take fictional modification/mutations found in various Arnold Schwarzenegger films and make them a reality.  This is where you come in.  The artist is looking for volunteers to take part in this radical art showcase.  In order to take part you must be 21 or older, and have some experience with surgical modifications (i.e. implants, etc), and be willing to travel to Montreal.

So what modifications are planned?  Well I don’t have the final list, but I can provide some examples.  We recently saw in the news a professor who used transdermal anchors to stick a camera into the back of his head.  The implants eventually had to be removed as the camera weighed too much.  For “The Arnie Composition” the artist is looking for someone who is up to the challenge of becoming The Predator. If you recall, in the film Predator, the alien had a digital device attached to his arm.  For the project the artist has crafted a compact and lightweight version that will attach to the arm via magnetic transdermals.

In addition to the arm plate, he is also looking to use multiple skull transdermal implants to attach dreadlocks similar to the predator’s.

Next up is the Terminator portion of the exhibit.  Using a combination of scarification, branding, and LED implants, the goal is to recreate the iconic look of The Terminator.

Finally, in the most radical modification of the collection, the Total Recall.  Total Recall is famous for a number of things, but probably the most iconic image is that of Mary, the prostitute.  One lucky woman will have the opportunity to be the centerpiece of the exhibit by transforming into Mary.

There are many more procedures planned, including a radical tattoo and scar piece reminiscent of Mr. Freeze.

If you have any questions regarding this exhibit, feel free to get in contact with me as I’ll be passing the requests along to the artist.  In the mean time, take a look through the galleries to see what what the many talented artists that submit their images to BME are capable of, and start watching those Arnie movies to get a better idea of what to expect from The Arnie Composition.

Now this is a boat house

Seeing a tattoo from Kipod Studio in Tel Aviv on ModBlog isn’t something new.  What is new however is the artist.  With the recent update to the portfolio galleries, all the artists from Kipod are sending in photos for your enjoyment.  This piece in particular is by Arad Bert, who sent this in with a number of his other pieces.

A fitting tribute to a fallen friend

As many of you know, the BME community lost one of it’s own last week, Adam Aries. It was several years ago at a party at Shawn’s old place that I first met Adam. We immediately hit it off. However, the next few times I ran into him, I do not believe I ever once recognized him right off the bat. Adam’s personal style was ever changing, ever evolving. His hair, facial hair, dress and in some instances makeup changed so often he was hard to keep up with. So when this random dude came running up to me with a bleach blonde mohawk and makeup that looked like it was done by Divine herself, I had no clue who it was………that is until I saw his telltale  tattoo, a dragon fly on his throat. As soon as I saw that tattoo I instantly knew it was Adam, and I instantly knew I was in for a good time.


Apparently, I am not alone in connecting this trademark tattoo!  I saw this piece posted on Adam’s facebook page, so I contacted the proud wearer of this tattoo, and asked his permission to post it here.  The tattoo is on Andy Mac Kenzie aka Applejack.  Andy was a close friend of Adam’s and is a tattoo apprentice at Pino Bro’s the shop where Adam pierced. The tattoo was done by another close friend and coworker of Adam’s Deirdre Doyle.

My old friend Robin was visiting last night and she said she knew of at least one other person who had gotten a similar dragonfly tribute tattoo. So if you or anyone you know has gotten a tattoo to memorialize Adam, just shoot me an email with the picture, your info and artist credit and I will add it to this post.

May Adam’s legacy, memories, the piercings he did and the music created far outlive his life that was cut way too short.

Oh what a night

Vincent Van Gogh is known for a few things; his impressionist paintings, his bouts with mental illness that lead to his death, and a DIY partial earlobe removal.  As you can see by the tattoo below, his influence still carries forward to this day.  In a piece sent in by lollison to the tattoo galleries, artist Kris Miller puts together a piece heavily inspired by Van Gogh’s “The Starry Night”.