Everyone should look as happy on their birthday as Lost Cause did on his 19th, as he had his friend light sparklers that hung from his various piercings.
For some sparklers in the dark action, keep on keeping on.
Everyone should look as happy on their birthday as Lost Cause did on his 19th, as he had his friend light sparklers that hung from his various piercings.
For some sparklers in the dark action, keep on keeping on.
I love the symmetry and simplicity of this picture, it really showcased her (mostly self done) piercings well.
These paired nostril piercings on Skittles5000 were self pierced at an 18 gauge and self stretched up to the 2 gauge you see here, the septum was self pierced at a 14 gauge and then stretched to a 0gauge.
…but this one doesn’t even require a click through!
Tattoo by Jeramie Chittick.
Sorry for the delay! I was without intranet at home due to the DC area snow storm, so I am just now posting last weeks BME Girls Calendar entry. Voting will go from now until next Monday, so it will slightly overlap with the next entries voting but I want to make sure these three lovely ladies get a full week of voting as well.
For those of you interested in seeing this batch of girls who submitted their pictures for possible use in the upcoming BME Girls Calendar, keep on reading. If this isn’t your thing, come back later for other types of modblog post.
About being a featured girl: This event is open to all BME Girls age 18 and over. Girls of all shapes, sizes and race are encouraged to submit pictures. Contestants can be dressed or nude, but nothing too pornographic will be featured. Pictures need to be of decent quality, lest the readers condemn me to hell for posting webcam shots. Agreeing to be involved is consenting to be featured in the calendar, if you are selected for it. If you want to suggest someone, feel free to do so. I will contact them and see if they are interested, but no one will be featured without their explicit approval. To submit pictures, please email them to [email protected] Make sure to include your IAM: name (or real name) in your email.
About voting: Votes will be tallied by emailing [email protected], just make the subject “Vote (insert name of girl you choose)” and your vote will be tallied. Votes will be anonymous, there is no reason for anyone to know who voted for whom and how many votes each girl got. Voting for one week ends when the following weeks post goes up. Please note, this isn’t about competition, it’s about a fun, interactive way to get the readers involved in the selection process.
About Commenting: I am enforcing a strict ZERO TOLERANCE policy for negative comments about the girls. They are being kind enough to share themselves with us and to help BME make a calendar, they should not have to fear public ridicule. Negative comments will be deleted, if we have a repeat offender, all of their future modblog comments will be sent to moderation. This isn’t about censorship, it’s about common courtesy and respect.
This custom BME skateboard picture comes from the BME Art Gallery, a cool collection of IAM member submitted art. According to the info with the picture the board was made by Miguel Leblanc, [ART & DESIGN] White Nuts. , Québec Canada.
If anyone knows if the artist or the guy in the picture (who may very well be the same person) are on IAM, leave me a comment here and I will link to them. For a picture of the board in all of it’s uncovered glory, keep on keeping on.
Update: I got this message from Miguel who designed this deck:
The design is printed on vinyl and stuck after on the board.
I have the design in adobe illustrator if you want it!
So if you want the design to take to a decal shop to have your very own BME Board, shoot me an email and I will get it for you.
Brian Decker is no stranger to Modblog, in fact, rarely a week goes by that his name doesn’t get credited in a post. When I search the updates to various galleries looking for photos worthy of featuring here, I try and maintain some sort of variety both in content and with the artist responsible for the work. However, Brian just keeps knocking out amazing piece after amazing piece and who am I to deny featuring them just for the sake of variety?
Anyhow, when it comes to 3d art implants, not only is Brian awesome at the technical procedure he is also awesome as an artistic silicone carver. He really understands what amount of detail will show through in the healed product and has the carving skills to make it all work. This picture of Nae’s 10 month old flower implant he did is a great showcase of those skills.
Well thanks to the DC area snowstorm, we got somewhere around 32″ of snow, which is enough to stop everything in my region of the country. So if you guys were wondering why there was only one Modblog update Friday, or why there was no BME Girls Calendar entry, the fact the snowstorm killed my intranet at home is why.
I am back at work today, using the internet here, but most likely I will be snowed in (and possibly with out internet) tomorrow and the next few days, as we are expecting another foot or so of snow to pile on.
Anyhow, I searched BME high and low for a submission that could possibly sum up how I feel about the snow and the impact it has had on my life recently. I think I found it, this tattoo may not be amazing, and normally I would probably overlook it for posting to Modblog, but today it just speaks to me.
Another snowman tattoo that speaks to me was already posted, but in case you missed it, or weren’t a reader in 2007, check it out!
Don’t fret Modbloggers, I will be back with a few more post today, including the BME Girls Calendar entry. Hopefully, even if I am stuck at home, my intranet should be working and I can continue posting. If not, I will see you guys when it warms up, maybe around April?
After yesterdays post of a BME Girl on British tv, I come across this picture from MIss Duveaux from a 6 page spread that was shot for FHM (For Him Magazine) Holland. It’s great to see a beautiful modified girl getting some love from mainstream media and not getting teased like KissItGoodbye was in my last post.
Miss Deveaux had this to say about the experience on her IAM diary entry about it:
Not only was I featured in a six page spread with For Him Magazine, FHM, but they decided to not re-touch my tattoos… The dude is a famous dutch tv-host *Sebastiaan Labrie* Not only hot, but with tattoos and he was very open minded and interested in all my body mods… he liked my branding real much!
For more pictures from this shoot check out her IAM page, the BME/ Culture/ People gallery, or look for them in FHM Holland.
For one more showing off her chest tattoos, keep on keeping on.
I have no idea what this show is about, but it comes from the same country that finds Mr. Bean funny, so how can I expect to understand?
Anyhow blackroses sent me a message on IAM that said:
We have a show in england called snog marry avoid, tonight is the start of series 3 and i was surprised and delighted to find a fork tongued teacher!
She was kind enough to include a link to it on YouTube so I could share it with you guys.
UPDATE: My favorite nomad, Howie, shot me a message saying he was the artist who did the implants and tongue split and that the girl is kissitgoodbye.
Check out this interesting facial scarification piece on ManiacAluf. It looks like a fairly deep removal, so I imagine it should make for an impressive scar down the road. The scars were done by Roland visavajara freiburg who made this in Zürich (InkTank).