Bird Boy

You all seemed to enjoy the hint of owl in this post, so here’s another bird related tattoo on a rather handsome chap!

Clickthrough for another shot!

I asked him if they held any particular significance and this is what he cooed/hooted/tweeted back to me..

Each of the birds has a particular significance (Roo: Yeah ok, I stole those two words and pasted them above) to me. I chose a flock of completely different birds because they are each beautiful and unique like the convictions they stand for..

Clockwise: Peacock – Vanity. Duck Hunt – Appreciation for a digital lifestyle. Hummingbirds – Fitness, Toucan – Deforestation and environmentalism. Owl – Knowledge. Cardinal – Family. Ravens – Appreciation for literature. Bird from “Berenstain Bears and the Truth – Honesty, and finally the Condor (center) – Stability (plus it tied everything together nicely!).

Photos by Bobby Anderson and ornithological tattooing by Jason Vaughn, Deluxe Tattoo, Chicago.

Mighty Microdermals

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DivX download link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members

Microdermal insertion and all that jazz by Morgan of Freak’s Lab Body Kustom, Lyon, France.

Don’t forget! If you’ve got a video you’d like featured on ModBlog please send it to [email protected] or use

Aye, it’s an update.

Apologies for the video glitch, I’ve moved the post back to draft for now and we’ll sort it out as soon as we can*.

Hopefully it’s the last of the gremlins we need to keep dry conquer!

Quite a few of you non-IAMer’s have asked how my ayes are doing.. I’m over the moon to say they’ve healed beautifully without any complications! Clickthrough for another photo (both taken by Allana a few days ago, because I’ve yet to work out how to use my camera).

*Edit – Fixed! I’ll put the video post up again tomorrow morning!