Child’s Drawing as a Cutting

We’ve seen lots and lots of examples of people getting their kids drawings tattooed on them, or even getting their kids to tattoo them, but I think this is the first time I’ve seen a kid’s drawing done with scarification. Trash at Kamikazes in Guadalajara, Mexico did this scar based on a drawing that his son created.

See more in Misc. Cuttings (Scarification)

Moscow Convention Photos

Golddust and Bodom Skater took these photos of one of the Psycho Cyborgs (Iestyn) who performed at the recent 2008 Moscow Tattoo and Bodyart Festival. I think it’s my favorite star tattoo yet!

Speaking of the tattoo expo, there were quite a few IAM and ModBlog regulars there, including Inna, Pj_Evl and Duff (remember her controversial interview?) in the photo below as well as (in the photos on the right, L-R) Tan0k and Petya, some folks from the suspension show, and Diktatura. All of these portraits are by Bodom Skater.

Golddust also snapped these shots of a really great facial tattoo that seemed to be getting quite a lot of attention.

Eyebending Tribal Suit

This tattoo is nuts! If you look at just one small section of it, it’s just boring neotribal that’s been done a zillion times, but as a full body suit, it’s pretty wild looking! It looks like a fabric print I think… (I’ve seen closeup photos by the way, so it’s definitely real if you’re suspicious).

Double Decker!

Feast your peepers on this video Ari sent in (this is the last time I’ll apologise, but sorry about the music)..

First Brian punches then tapers Matt Skinner’s labret up to 00ga. Then Ari’s under the knife as Brian splits his tongue asunder.

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DivX download link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members

Temporary Breast Enlargement

Master Y in Germany sent in these photos of a before and after (and if you click through, there’s a procedural photo) of him doing a breast saline injection. As you can see, the effects are quite dramatic. It goes without saying that care must be taken in this type of procedure to adhere to good cleanliness standards to avoid risks such as mastitis.

See more in Non-genital Saline Injections (Saline Injection) (members only)