Tag Archives: body-modification
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Pretty Horizontal Hood Ladder
Love or Perish?
That’s the big question, right? If I have to do one of the two, I choose Love (I have 1COR13 tattooed on me if you think this is just random blog-blabbering). Choice being offered by YorkshireLamb, tattooed by Doug Mendoza in Manchester, NH.
Great Balls Of… FIRE!
Chase and his friend Casey enjoy a quiet game of snooker… You may notice this isn’t hosted on YouTube. For the few prudes who read ModBlog, don’t watch.
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It’s potluck whether he’ll be able to have children after that!
Plastic Stars Tattoo
iam:chr!st!na by noka oi tiki, philly
“If you’re reading this we’re 69ing”
You know, it’s funny — I think this is the second “If you can read this we’re 69ing”tattoo that I’ve seen, but since I can’t find the other one, I’ll say it was deja vu and credit for this tattoo idea goes to Ari who did this joke tattoo (“still the dumbest thing ever”) on themselves a while back.
Horny, beady-eyed dude
Howie and Quentin in the UK did the work on Captain Howdy — I especially like the eye orbit beads (which remind me of Cork‘s implants).
Jesus Christ Scarification
Ryan Corrigal, cutting at Strange City in Edmonton, Alberta did this great cutting on Matt. Brian has been out there cutting as well, so expect a few more posts of what they’ve been doing soon.
I will dream well today.
iam:imsomeeeow‘s new tattoo
Because sometimes things don’t work out
…and then feel like a bullet to the neck! Coverup by Needles’n’Ink in Bryan, Ohio.