
inVivo had these “earballs” (bead implants along the upper ridge of the ear) implanted by Steve at O-R-R in Antwerp, Belgium. Seeing this it certainly drives home that another route to ear pointing is implants; these are beads of course but there’s no reason why it couldn’t be done with carved silicone over several generations to bring it to the desired contour. That said, cartilage is very sensitive! (For BME/extreme members, click here to read the experience on this mod)


“This Little Piggy” Toe Tattoos!


This little piggy went to market,
This little piggy stayed at home,
This little piggy had roast beef,
This little piggy had none.
And this little piggy went…
“Wee wee wee” all the way home…


Tattooed by Rush at Freestyle Tattoo in Canberra, Australia (and based on an idea by carl-jay posted three days earlier) — Teulu adds, “the photo of this little piggy on my hairy foot was taken three days after the fact, and I still havent stopped laughing.”

Leopard Suited Man

Detritus sends in this unusual full-body concept tattoo that he photographed at the recent Skintech Expo 2007. I can just imagine the conversation with the tattoo artist…

Client: I want you to tattoo me so it looks like I'm wearing a leopard suit.

Tattoo Artist: Oh, like Tom Leppard? Yeah, I can tattoo you like a leopard.

Client: No, no, you don’t understand. I want to be tattooed so it looks like I’m wearing a leopard print spandex outfit. I don’t want to look like an animal — I want to look like a human dressed up as an animal.

Maybe the collar line and hand lines are just drawn on, I don’t know, but they definitely put a very different visual spin on it! In any case, hats off to the guy for choosing such a single-minded tattoo and running with it. The world most definitely needs more people with faux leopard suits, be they suits or be they skin.