It always surprises me what heals

It bruised a little when it was first done, but this insanely long Tygon surface piercing is now about eight months old in the bigger photo. The piercing is by Alec at Straight to the Point in Portland, OR. Normally my worry would be abcessing, because keeping a piercing like this drained and healthy isn’t easy… but some people can heal anything!

Not something I’d normally recommend, but it looks good.

Holy crap that’s intense!

Not only is this a giant gauge and very deep pubic piercing, but the jewelry is brutally DIY (outside of metal issues, that’s some serious threading to pull through)… and even more insane, the piercing “needle” is just a sharpened piece of rubber tubing. Seriously, this feels like one of the more intense DIY things I’ve seen recently.

DIY Christina Piercing

You know, it’s almost 4:30AM, so I’m on day three of no sleep, to say nothing of the medication I’m on that’s supposed to make me sleep. So not only am I generally delirious from over a decade of working in erotica, but I’m also delirious from three days of no sleep… so I can’t really tell if I’m awake or dreaming. This photo leads me to believe that I’m having a good dream. Uncensor if you want.

I <3 Komando

I know, I’ve said this a ton of times on BME and on my personal blog, but I just love komando‘s look… I hope she doesn’t get mad at me for saying this, but it’s just so cute and adorable! I wish more heavy modded people were so happy looking… too many people want to focus on being cool or badass instead of focusing on just enjoying being themselves I think.

Rings galore

I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to find the time today to post to ModBlog! I may also have to take the next couple of weeks off because Jon and I want to do some major overhauling to BME to bring it out of the mid-1990s in terms of the technology that powers the site…. Parts of it are starting to feel dated and I appreciate you all being so patient with me.

Thanks to Melanie in Ottawa for sending me this photo of her side-corsets (ribbons were added later). The piercings themselves are care of Matt Cottrell.