The Hobo Code

Hey, there’s HoboSteve (is that on the list?), getting tugged around the room by that vicious creature on the floor. Can you sense the despair in his eyes? Truly horrifying. More shots of this torture chamber, after the jump.

(Pulling done at Anomaly in Pasadena, California. No animals were harmed in the making of these hilarious photos.)

See more in Pulling and Trucking (Ritual)

Eh, Maybe Texas

Burgh heard the screams, the cries, and before he ever saw it, he knew exactly what had happened. He ran out into the backyard and there it was: His daughter, Sophie, on her first birthday, had killed and eaten a Smurf. Look at that face, that uninhibited bloodlust. Why? Who knows why. Sophie’s not talking. And not a jury in the world is going to convict a baby.

See more in BME/Culture/People (Culture)

Let Me Do The Jumble

Alie from TCB Tattoos in Toronto, Ontario, sent in this piece she did the other day on a client who wanted a word search filled with the names of his family members. Cute! We don’t have the list of names, but whoever can find the most reasonable words will WIN A PRIZE!*

*The satisfaction of a job well done counts as a prize, right?

One of These Things is Not Like the Others …

Hey, ’tis the season for portrait photography, right? Lissaa (far left) writes in:

My friends and I decided to go get professional pictures done at Walmart, probably the biggest waste of 120 bucks ever spent, but it made for a good ass Tuesday.

And the memories will last forever, probably. Unless whatever it is that’s so disturbing dude in the lower right-hand corner savagely attacks them all.

See more in Ear Stretching (past 1/2″) (Ear Piercing)

Wolfie’s Just Fine

I apologize in advance for posting such graphic and disturbing content this early in the morning, but this is an issue — a threat — that, if allowed to continue unabated, could have consequences most dire. (Remember that time the dolphins grew thumbs and then used them to plant poisonous snakes in bunches of delicious bananas, all over the world, just because they could, just to screw with us? It’ll be like that, yet somehow worse.) Untold thousands of miniature humans like the one pictured above are literally appearing every day, latching onto defenseless adults for sustenance and warmth and resources and such. What’s their agenda? Why won’t they speak? And why do these adults play along so willingly — is it a spell, or simply blackmail? I feel I’ve said too much as it is.

… Or it could be that this baby is twigboy‘s son, and that, in his words:

This was the first day my son Scott figured out he could grab onto my ear and use it as a handle. Now he just grabs my ear and falls backwards — seems he knows that as long as he holds on, he won’t fall.

I’ll admit, that is slightly cuter than the demon-baby apocalypse scenario.

See more in Ear Stretching (past 1/2″) (Ear Piercing)

You Forgot I Was a Ninja

Scared sea monster tattoo

I know, I know … it’s not fair to you, the fine readers, to post such abjectly horrifying images at this late an hour. It’s getting on towards bedtime, and here I am, the thoughtless ogre, putting up shots that would spook the bejesus out of a goddamned sea monster. What do I have to say for myself? Not much. Not much at all.

Scare yourselves to sleep, ModBlog, and we’ll see you in the morning.

So Close, Yet So Far …

Without lapsing too heavily into hyperbole, let me just say that this is the most depressing photo ModBlog has ever published. How can you look at this brutal display of helplessness and not have your entire day ruined? This is positively Sisyphean. I need to go lie down.

(This victim of fate’s cruel hand is Tesa, who you can see hard at work here.)

See more in Big Septums (Nose Piercing)