There’s something strange about this photo from Enzo and Thiago. I don’t have anything particularly clever to say about it, so just look at it and draw your own conclusions.
Tag Archives: hooks
Hook Life
Many of you know Misty from her work over HookLife, as well as her scarification work I’ve posted in the past. Well recently Lucas from the Springfield chapter of AGRO came to visit her and she was able to combine both her love of suspension and her talent as an artist.
That’s the AGRO logo in case you didn’t know.
Blood and Hooks
The #Leeds suspension team from St. Petersburg, Russia is often featured because of their suspension photoshoots and performances. While suspensions are a big part of what they do, they do have more than one trick up their sleeve. In an effort to create their art, members of the team are sometimes asked to shed a little blood.
I’ve got one more photo from the shoot for you, but it has a smidgen of naughty bits, so you’ll have to keep reading to see it.
I’m sure some of that blood may be stage blood, but there’s no doubt that those hooks and rings generated their share of blood.
You can see more photos from this shoot in the #Leeds Suspension gallery.
You know something is painful when…
… Allen makes this face.
Wondering what could possibly be happening that would cause so much pain? Keep on reading to find out.
Well, I got a message a couple of days ago from Allen telling me about what he recently went through. Here’s what he had to say.
A month ago, while at a show, I tripped and fell into the stage. As I fell forward I put my hand out to catch myself. I’m not sure what it was, but something on one of the stage monitors was sticking up that went right between my nail and my finger. When I pulled my hand back I realized that that nail was completely loose from the nail bed. Yes it hurt a lot. Well, as the night progressed I kept messing with it and eventually I decided to pull the nail off. This was a mistake because the exposed nail bed was WAY more painful. It felt like one giant exposed nerve. (I do not recommend doing that) It took over a month to finally get all the scabs to peel off. Also, I had to file it down a bit too because it never really healed like smooth skin. There was still a hard callused area on top. As for the tattooing. Yes, it hurt bad. The pain is hard to compare, but it felt like he was drilling into the bone.
Of all the things I’ve seen in the BME galleries. The first picture below is the one that probably makes me feel the most uncomfortable just looking at it. If you can get past the first one, you’ll see how the healing process went, a good look at the tattoo while it was being done, and the finished product.
The man responsible for the tattoo is Mike Tidwell.
With all the work Allen has done for the world of suspension, it’s only fitting that when his nail grows back in, he’ll always have a hook inside him.
Only in a fluid sharing relationship…
…would it ever be considered ok to take out someone’s hooks, clean them off and then see what piercings of yours they would fit into.
Kevin, who submitted these pictures had this to say:
My girlfriend and I the day after her performance suspension in Columbus, OH for the band Only Flesh. After lovingly massaging the air from her back and cleaning her shark hooks, I played around by putting the hooks in everything I could, like my 6g labret as seen here. This photo seems to show a lovely middle-ground between my piercing/stretching obsession and her affinity for ink. I’m so glad we share the same affinity for body modification
Photo by Samantha Hodges.
PS: I believe those shark hooks he refers to are actually salmon hooks.
The Hidden Language
Really pretty photo set here from Lisa, who writes:
The picture was really the photographer Karin’s idea, she just hadn’t found anyone who could do it before we started talking mod pics just for fun. My ex is a body mod freak and could help us with the hook part. This was actually my first time with hooks.
And a fine first time it is! One more photo, after the jump.
(More photos of Lisa can be found here. More of Karin’s photography can be found here.)
See more in “Pulling and Trucking“ (Ritual)