Max Brand from All or Nothing in Atlanta, GA sure gets to do play piercings on a lot of gorgeous women! Lucky guy — and lucky girls too!
Tag Archives: play-piercing
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Lindsey gets a hundred in the gut
Max Brand (from All Or Nothing in Atlanta, GA) did these 100 play piercings in Lindsey’s stomach. Quite a great start for her — this was her first play piercing session ever!
Play Piercing Titillation Shot
Thanks to SarahScar sending in this photo (with more on BME) of her second play piercing session.
“puncture envy, needled veggy”
The full picture series (which will be in next image update) is labelled and ordered, “Introducing… Entering… Observing… Planting… Stretching… Thinking… Feeling… Resting… Closing…” I guess that’s as concise a way as any to describe the play piercing experience!
Malaysian “Play Piercing”
Thanks to Eddie for sending in these shots from rituals held in Rinching, Malaysia. You can find lots more photos of cultural rituals in BME’s galleries.
The Penetrator
I wonder… if he punched someone, would the needles just pop out of his hand (ie. sliding back through the piercings) or would they actually penetrate the person being punched? Thanks to Zulima from Aranjuez in Madrid, Spain for sending in this photo… Because it’s with play piercing needles, it’s more obviously temporary than the also temporary previously posted and much-commented-on Wolverine piercings, so I imagine this entry will have far less Internet-freakout attached.
I love the triple bridge ladder by the way…
Fishing Gone Terribly Wrong
Thanks to Naga for sending in this photo from the show Societas Insomnia done at The Someday Lounge.
Play Pierced Wallets?
So, my tasty friend Sistinas (she’s a chef, dirty minded readers) moved to Japan and has been corrupting the locals after trying it first with Canadian money in Toronto.
What, you have a better idea?
Psycho Cyborgs
Photos by Regis Hertrich: