Electric Relaxation

Forgive the tardiness, ModBloggers, but your editor has thrown out his stupid shitty back and has been laid up on the couch in substantial pain for the past 15 hours or so, because he is the oldest man alive. Please accept, as penance, this intense series of photos from Chris of Shi’a Muslims in Nabatiyya, Lebanon, participating in traditional rites in observance of Ashura, the “holiest day of the Shiite Muslim calendar.” According to Chris (and Wikipedia!), it “marks the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Mohammed.” Apparently, this sort of bloodletting (which the men are doing to themselves with those large machetes*) is frowned upon by some Muslim clerics, but…well, not all of them, I guess. More photos after the jump.

*Says Chris: “They actually cut their scalps with straight razors and chant with the machetes. Only the really hard-core guys cut themselves with the machetes (and chains).”

See more in Cultural Rituals (Culture)

Gloss on Gloss

Good morning, ModBloggers! Hope we’re finding you well-rested, caffeinated and…anything else you might need to start the day. And, hey, think you had a rough commute? Probably wasn’t half as bad as old Sisyphus up there.

Stick around, folks! We’ve got a brand new feature going up shortly. Until then, cut and paste.

(Pulling facilitated by Havve and Wings of Desire at the Fakir Academy, Norway.)

See more in Pulling and Trucking (Ritual)

Know Every Rule

Nice and simple play-piercing here from Slombat, but, hey, expertly placed and well-photographed to boot. With all the textural and color and shadow (etc., etc.) elements that body modification can add to a subject, it’s always a joy to see photographers take advantage of those additions when composing their photos. And now, after the jump, the above model engaged in some kinda vulgar wall-porn.

Don’t Need a Helmet

You know what the big difference is between BME and the Star-Telegram? It’s that WE GET RESULTS, DAMN IT! Or something. Anyway! After we noted last week that your new world-record holder for “most piercings in one sitting” was Arlington’s Jeremy Stroud (who was pierced with 1,197 18-gauge needles), Mr. Stroud wrote in to provide your ModBlog with some exclusive-ish photos (by Chris Durbin) of the record-breaking attempt. Fancy! Much obliged, Jeremy.

Extreme close-up, after the jump.


A somewhat raucous video of Rafa (more videos), Gordex (Gordex Piercing) and a friend pulling their little hearts out..


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DivX download (86 MB) link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members

See more in Pulling and Trucking (Ritual)

Don’t Know If I Can

Well, this impressive. The ihung folks have been working with a gentleman named Ivan who conceived of this 25-foot-tall PVC-pipe dome structure, which is apparently based on some manner of sacred geometry forms, and have put it to use for suspension purposes. Rumor has it, they’ll be building an even bigger one this weekend at the Dallas SusCon. More photos, after the jump.

(Photos courtesy of Beth.)

See more in iHung.org (Suspension Teams and Bonus Galleries)

A Budding Morrow in Midnight

I really like this picture of some of the gents from Silas Body Art bouncing around on a triple spinning beam at the Galeria do Rock in Sao Paulo, Brazil—not just because it’s fun that all three have been caught in such different positions, but also because a three-person spinning beam is not the easiest thing to pull off!

See more in “Suicide” Suspension (Ritual)