If there’s one thing you learn by reading BME every day, it’s that the human body is incredibly, impossibly resilient. We feature body rites and experiments with pain that some people find cringe-worthy, but the lesson, more often than not? Our bodies work very hard to take care of us, and even things that, by all accounts, seem dangerous or ill-advised, can heal perfectly well.
This is not to pass judgment on the skin removal we’re seeing here, but it’s an example of a procedure that, probably more than a lot of body modification procedures, would seem unnecessary and dangerous to the average the person. To hear the young man who had it done tell it, even the practitioner, Shawn O’Hare of Fillmore Tattoo and Piercing, was apprehensive at first:
I wanted both of my eyebrows removed for quite a while. Shawn kept refusing. Eventually after talking to Steve Haworth, he decided he would do it. We decided to do one now and one after this one has completely healed. We discussed all of the possible scenarios and risks and then went ahead with the procedure. It was pretty cut and dry. He peeled my eyebrow off and we bandaged it up.
At the very least, it’ll be very interesting to see the healing process on this piece. More shots, after the jump.
See more in “Skin Removal Scarification“ (Scarification)