Beauty over harm

Tami sent me these pictures of a nice scarification piece done by JesseV at Thrive Studios in Cambridge.

I immediately noticed the scars behind her new scarification piece, and assumed you guys would too. Rather than let myself or the commenters make assumptions, I went on and asked her about them.

They are clearly self harm scars, self injury was something that I struggled with for the better part of the last 10 years. It has now been a year since I have hurt myself, and since I first learned about scarification (about 5 years ago) I had decided that someday I want something done to cover up the scars. Not that the scars were embarrasing, but it was just uncomfortable to me to have perfect strangers asking about them, and when I would reply that was just the way my skin was people seemed to be offended.

I have always liked the look of scars and decided that I wanted one that actually looked nice and wanted to show to people. It seemed to make more sense to me to cover up or disguise the existing scars with another scar instead of a tattoo.

To me, this is a perfect example of what body modification can be, an opportunity to reclaim one’s body. This piece turned  something negative into something positive and beautiful and that, to me, is a big part  of why I love body mods so much.


Fore a few more shots, keep on keeping on.



Public Service Announcement

Attention; LOGMAN94

The inside of your philtrum, should NOT look like this.

Thanks, your friends at


In all honesty, I imagine that LOGMAN94, was submitting this picture to show how bad it looked. However, since it didn’t mention anything about the piercing being problematic in the description and I couldn’t find him on IAM, I figure I best put this warning up………just in case.

Hold me closer tiny dancer……

Back in the 80′s when American kids played war, the Russians were always the bad guys. I suppose it was the Cold War era and America didn’t have any actual conflicts going on so we  villainized the Russian’s to have some pretend foes to blast our toy guns off at. Well, I am feeling a bit bad for that now seeing as how many of the modblog worthy submissions sent into BME are coming from Russia these days.

For example, this “Ballerine Suspension” sent to us from Arsenly Anderson, who said “Smertoslava was like a ballerine when being hooked up “.


Four members of our community were in a bad car wreck

I did something, I don’t normally do for this, I totally ripped an article off of another site. I hope our friends in Nassau Chainsaw are cool with that, but I imagine they would be seeing as this is about helping out mutual friends.  Allen, also posted some info up on, if you want to check that out as well.

UPDATE: It was pointed out to me that not everyone involved in this wreck was involved with Nassau Chainsaw, or didn’t know Allen, so I have one more link with updates where all of them were part of the family, Discraceland Family.



On their way from Texas to California, Spliff, Jill, Robby and Brandon were involved in a very serious car accident. Spliff is currently unconscious in Critical Condition and has been airlifted to a hospital.  Robby has also been airlifted to the same hospital, with a punctured or collapsed lung and liver. Jill, Robby and Brandon are all coherent and awake.

From Neil of CORE, “I just watched 4 of my best friends roll their car over at 85 mph in front of me. If you are in CoRE, please call Matt or Steve, if you are in AGRO, call Angela, if you are in DHS call Razor Tongue or Orbie. I will be updating them periodically. Please do not call Spliff, Jill, Ribble, or Brandon as they do not have their phones. Send all your prayers and love their way.”

Update from Jill at 2:45AM

“Myself our Baby and Branden are ok. Badly cut bruised and sprained, but ok. I’m currently headed to Odessa where Arwen and Robby are in critical condition. I’ll let u know as soon as I do…. Keep positive thoughts for us please.” -Jill

Update from Neil at 4:31AM

Ribble is in surgery spliff had a head concusion, brain and skull appear to be fine for now.  Broken vertebrae in his neck.  He is heavily sedated and on a breathing machine in the ICU at Medical Center Hospital in Odessa, TX.

Update from Jill at 4:57AM

“I am currently in ICU with Arwen. He’s heavily sedated, breathing steadily with help from a machine. Concusion in his head which is currently not effecting his skull or brain. Also a broken vertibre in his neck. He is being closely monitored and things could change. Ribble is still in surgery….. Keep the positive energy coming”

Update from Neil at 5:00AM

“Brandon is asleep at the hotel in Ft Stockton, and Sara and NoMan are watching over him. Other than that, if you do not hear something directly from myself or Jill, just remember, it’s all hearsay, and please remain calm.”

Update from Neil at 5:54AM

This is what the doctor told Neil

“Robbie-Has a Ruptured Spleen + it was removed, he has a bruised mesentery, he has tubes in his chest to drain his lungs, severe head trauma + spinal chord damage, he has had a litter of blood pumped out of his abdomen and recycled back into his blood stream. his liver was lacerated in 3 places, they were able to cauterize and suture it back together. He is on a breathing machine and will be for a week.

“Spliff-Has broken ribs and severe contusions around his lungs, broken vertebrae, severe head trauma, and is also on a breathing machine and will be for a week.”

We will know a lot more in 48hours when and if they come out of it.

Lets continue with the positive thoughts + be there for our family. Thanks to all who have made donations so far. Lets keep them coming.

We will post more information here as it becomes available. Please watch this space for updates.

All our hearts and minds are with them.

Please Make A Donation to help out our brothers and sisters.

If you have a spare moment after sharing a little change to help out four members of our modified community (as well as modblog regulars), check out Nassau Chainsaw a band who includes sideshow and suspension acts in their regular performances.

Could this really be the “World’s First Human Centipede Tattoo?”

This tattoo claims to be the “The World’s First Human Centipede Tattoo”, and I am tempted to believe it. Has anyone else gotten a tattoo inspired by the, not really a hit, movie “The Human Centipede“? If so let me know, we can check up on dates, cross check references and determine once and for all if this tattoo by  Jimmy Knuckles at Shaman Modifications in Austin is rightfully declared the world’s first “Human Centipede” tattoo!


This one’s for the ladies…

A nice BMEBoy entry for the ladies……or the gents who swing that way. In either case this blue eyed boy hails from Russia and goes by KonstantinZvyagin. But be warned, he has a bit of an ego to go with those piercing blue eyes of his seeing as the description of the photo was : “ I have beautiful eyes ”


Land of the free

When I first saw this pic, I thought  ”Damn, where were these pictures July 4th when I needed them for modblog?”. Then I saw the title, Independence Day Suspensions and it all made sense. These pictures are curtesy of Up the Down Photography. Suspension by our friends at ihung.


Jane says…I know that chic!

Who’s that chic hanging behind Perry Farrell as he performs with Janes Addiction? It’s no other than Miss Crash! You probably remember her as the girl I featured just a few days ago who I said uses a combination of shock and sexiness to captivate audiences? Well apparently, Jane’s Addiction found her captivating enough to want to include her in a recent performance. Suspension artist performing with nationally touring bands is nothing new, hell even I have done it a few times. However, this is the first time I have seen it done with such a hugely popular band, not to mention a band with a fairly mainstream audience.  If anyone else has any celebrity suspension or body mod performance tales to tell, feel free to do so in the comments.


I apologize for the double feature on Crash, I normally try to not include too much of one person or group in a short period of time. This was just too cool not to post though! For more pictures of this and to check out the man behind the hooks, go to her  boyfriend’s IAM page.