Oh Swayze……

Last time we featured a tattoo on Modblog  that was a tribute of one of Patrick Swayze’s films, it payed homage to the film, Roadhouse. Personally, I would have preferred the next tribute piece we featured to be a classic Swayze film be dedicated to the movie Point Break, but since none have been submitted, I guess this will fill the void for now.


This tattoo is on Melle.Luka and was done in her actual handwriting by Mylooz in Brussels, Belgium.

You had me at amputation…

This photo was submitted by ONEalan, who didn’t appear to be on IAM.  I have nothing insightful to say about this picture, but holy cow cadavers, does it belong on modblog!


Of course the non-blurred version is available on the click through.


Update: As requested, some close ups of the tattoos. Unfortunately, these were as big as I could get.


BME Girls Calendar 4/30/2010


For those of you interested in seeing this batch of girls who submitted their pictures for  possible use in the upcoming BME Girls Calendar, keep on reading. If this isn’t your thing, come back later for other types of modblog post.

REMEMBER: Absolutely zero negative comments will be tolerated!!!!!!

S Arden
About being a featured girlThis event is open to all BME Girls age 18 and over. Girls of all shapes, sizes and race are encouraged to submit pictures. Contestants can be dressed or nude, but nothing too pornographic will be featured. Pictures need to be of decent quality, lest the readers condemn me to hell for posting webcam shots. Agreeing to be involved is consenting to be featured in the calendar, if you are selected for it. If you want to suggest someone, feel free to do so. I will contact them and see if they are interested, but no one will be featured without their explicit approval. To submit pictures, please email them to [email protected] Make sure to include your IAM: name (or real name) in your email.

About votingVotes will be tallied by emailing [email protected], just make the subject “Vote (insert name of girl you choose)” and your vote will be tallied. Voting last 7 days (168 hours) from the time the girl was posted.  Votes will be anonymous, there is no reason for anyone to know who voted for whom and how many votes each girl got.  Voting for one week ends when the following weeks post goes up. Please note, this isn’t about competition, it’s about a fun, interactive way to get the readers involved in the selection process.

About Commenting: I am enforcing a strict ZERO TOLERANCE policy for negative comments about the girls. They are being kind enough to share themselves with us and to help BME make a calendar, they should not have to fear public ridicule. Negative comments will be deleted, if we have a repeat offender, all of their future modblog comments will be sent to moderation. This isn’t about censorship, it’s about common courtesy and respect.

Pirate Booty

My friend Emily, showed me this picture because she loved the tattoo. It’s not just Emily that loves this though, every single female I show this tattoo to seems to absolutely love it.


This tattoo on Yomee was done by Mimsy of Mimsy’s Trailer Trash Tattoo, which interestingly enough operates out of a 1959 qualicraft caravan trailer!

In keeping with fairness to the sexes, since I featured one of Yomee’s tattoos that all of my female friends loved, I suppose it is only right I feature Yomee’s self done tattoo that myself and all of my male friends seem to love.  To see that one though, you are going to have to keep on keeping on.


Pulling the Pussy Palace

I love flesh hooks and oddly enough I love vans. I don’t know if it was the A-Team or the tacky 70′s/80′s custom vans, but I am ready for vanning to make a come back. So obviously, I had to feature a picture that combines hooks and vans.


This picture comes from the Flesh Factory Bonus Galleries.  They arranged this van pulling in conjunction with Rings of Pleasure.

The bird king people eater

This interesting piece was only Jamie Mahood’s second attempt at realistic color work. To date she’s only been tattooing 2.5 years but her work definitely doesn’t seem like it came from a rookie artist. Perhaps that is due to the great tattoo lineage from which she learned. She apprenticed under Wes Grimm who is the great grandson of Bert Grimm. Jamie currently works at Suffer City Tattoo in Dallas, TX.


A note from Ron

Ron messaged me and asked if I could repost the entry on the rotisserie suspension with an added note of warning. I explained to him that reposting  the exact same post wouldn’t fly. However, in that exact same day I was shown a video of a recent suspension performance where a guy suspending suicide fell. I couldn’t quite make out if the rope broke or a knot came untied but either way it was an easily avoidable mistake. Luckily, for all involved, the suspendee was hanging fairly low and in an upright position so there was minimal chance of injury.

Nonetheless, seeing that video  more than justified me posting Ron’s updated note of caution (regarding the rotisserie suspension video):

When you see the clip, all you may see is the awesomeness of a rotating suspension.. what you DON’T see is all the time , research, planning and practice going into this.. When you watch the clip, you will also see my dear friend Richard Nunez during one of these show practices where he flew off the rig and had to be taken to the hospital for a concussion and sutures. As scary as it was to deal with , it was even scarier to be the one responsible for what happened and to have hurt a member of my family like that.

This episode is a VERY LARGE part of why I feel the way I do about suspension safety these days. Sure we weren’t doing normal suspensions.. but neither is a lot of the stuff going on these days either.. The time has come to step and bring safety into the 21st century as well!”

Kids, respect your elders.

Good work in bad conditions

Jawn sent me the photo of a flesh removal piece he did in less than ideal conditions. I am a big fan of simple geometric design scars and this one has extra sentimental value because it looks like a (better done) version of my first ever flesh removal attempt I did many moons ago.


She has been asking me for that for months. Then her shop burns down. Then I’m in an old soviet era apartment, one light bulb that went out right before I started, so I waited till the morning…… Going on missions for supplies since all her’s burnt up, shitty Russian scalpels, straight chlorohexidine from the pharmacy to clean her, can’t read shit, everythings in Cyrillic, where there is a will there is a way!!!!