For Rachel

Poor Rachel has been working so diligently on the new site she hasn’t had any spare moments to dig through pictures submitted from her beloved Brazilians.  So on her behalf, I present to you some more gorgeous pictures from our South American friends.

These pictures are from T. Angel’s performance “Narcissus”. This was his second Kavadi experience, if your fluent in Portugese you can read about his first one here.  Also, if your in Brazil and want to catch a live viewing of the Narcissus video it is playing next month at Body Pleasures.


For one more pic from this performance and his personal thank you list, keep on keeping on.


From his IAM page I got the following thank yous:

Every time I talk about spear experience I have to thank Ego KornusAngyeLa Negra and Peco, cause they brought knowledge, inspiration and new possibilites in my life. Special thank to Dark Freak for helping me with this work.

Keep an eye out for gum recession

What better way to see if your piercing is causing tooth damage or gum recession that wearing an eyelet so you can see for yourself?


The information submitted with this pic was a bit confusing. I attempted to message Tyler on IAM, but he hasn’t gotten back to me, nor has he updated since 2008. Anyhow, this pic was just too good not to feature so I will leave the readers with the same explanation I got with it.

Probably, this picture was taken on the lecture “Don’t do it!” and illustrates the common mistake of young bodmod people: don’t put ear plugs into your lip!
Ruslan “Deform” is piercing student in Tattoo Factory studio, Moscow, Russia. Tyler teaches him how he should do piercings and how should not.

Half point suspension

A few days ago Cere messaged me and said, “Meg says she will do whatever suspension you tell her to, so tell her to do a 1/2 point suicide”. I thought about it for a moment, and then decided I would tell her to do a 1/2 point suspension, whatever the hell it is. I mean ,really, how could it not be a good idea if Cere recommended it?

It turns out the half point suspension, as Cere dubbed it, is when you put a hook halfway in and let the pulling from the suspension finish the piercing. I asked Cere where this idea came from and he responded:

I had it in my head for a while now as a joke. When people really started to one up each other for the sake of show they’d be like “he did a 4pt? I’m gonna do a 2pt!” and then next you’d hear “he did a 2pt? I’m gonna do a 1pt!”. It was around then that I started joking, someday, somewhere, someones gonna do a half pt. Just had no clue it’d be by me!


All pictures courtesy of Katie.

For more pictures and insights from this event, as well as the obligatory “don’t try this at home warning”, keep on keeping on.

Meg had already done two suspensions just the day prior, yet that  didn’t stop her from attempting this intense version of a one point suicide suspension. When I asked her about it, this is what she had to say:

This is a bad idea, and I wouldn’t suggest it. The feeling of the hook popping through was disgusting. There were two stages of popping- the first one was really odd, because the hook only shifted internally, and it felt so gross it made me gag a little. the second shift, when the hook actually broke through, was an audible RIP, but more than hear the sound, I felt it. Everyone else heard it though, and cringed. haha.

I swung hard on it both before it came through, and after, and the comfort level really wasn’t that different, however my confidence level was. Once it was through, Cere saw I wanted to keep going and just laughed at me.






Upon further investigation, Cere found out from Allen that a suspension of this type was performed by members of TSD way back in the day. To which Allen adds “It isnt really a good idea”.

I would like to point out that everyone involved in this suspension has been actively involved in the suspension community for years and knew the risk going into this. A suspension of this type shouldn’t be taken lightly. I can assure you neither Cere, Meg, Allen, myself, nor the Surgeon General advise you attempt a suspension of this nature.

Can you “hit the nail on the head”…

…and guess what body part this is getting nailed?


For the answer to this question and to see what happens next, keep on keeping on.

I am guessing most people guessed scrotum, because nine times out of ten when you see genital torture pics it is male parts that are being tortured. However, that is not the case here as you can now plainly see.





Want to know what happens next? Get yourself a BME HARD membership and check out the Female Torture Play gallery.

Modified zombies like it a little rough

Go to any zombie crawl, zombie prom or other zombie event and count the people without body mods, they are few and far between. Amongst the undead, us modified folks are not the minority, we are in fact the majority.  The same statement holds true at BD/SM events. So it should be no surprise to see a cute couple of modified zombies playing a little rough together right?

Here’s  a perfect example from Joli and her date Noah from the Philly Zombie Prom.


For two more pics showing off the gentler, more sensitive parts of the night, keep on keeping on.



From The Vault: Male Breast Implants

There is an age old debate on BME as to whether or not breast implants fall into the same category of body modification as the mods more frequently covered on BME. The point that is usually argued is that breast implants are done to fit into societies ideals, whereas tattoos and piercings are more or a rebellion to those same ideals. Of course, since those original arguments were made tattoos and piercings have become a major part of mainstream society. Whether it be the extremely common piercings or the tattoo imagery that is now printed on everything from t-shirts to high end purses, our subculture is quickly being integrated into mainstream culture.

Well these pictures certainly qualify as body modification, by any sense of the definition. A masculine appearing man getting breast implants, now that is going against societies norm! Well unless you do it for money.

These pictures were submitted in 2004 by IAM:manybodiedman (who no longer appears to be on IAM).

male breast implants 1

For 2 more shots of these implants, keep on keeping on.

male breast implants 2

male breast implants 3

When worlds collide

During my year long stint living in Las Vegas I met Cheyne. Of all the tattooed people I have met over the years, he has has one of the more interesting tattoo. His torso is an amazing Japanese style body suit, and his extremities are a collection of randomness, including lots of pop culture tributes. Of his pop culture tattoos, my favorite is this Harry Potter portrait by our mutual friend Mike Demasi.


To see more of Cheyne’s work, including several pieces most teenage girls would be proud to have, keep on keeping on.


Chest and back by Dana Helmuth.


Twilight tribute by Miles Larsen of Dandyland Tattoo San Antonio, TX.


A little more Twilight love by  Josh Petty.


Love letter to Lady Gaga

Cheyne is currently  in route to California, hence why I can’t get a hold of him to find the artist name who did the Lady Gaga letter. He is seeking piercing work in the Bay area, so if anyone knows of any shops hiring shoot him a message.