Common Procedure but Clever Application

John Garcia of High Class Tattoo and Body Modification in Fresno, California has done something quite interesting for this client that is wearing a large black labret. Using microdermals and caps that closely match the look of the labret, he’s created a staggered series of mods running from lip to chin that are probably quite a head-scratcher for anyone that sees it that isn’t quite familiar with the way body modification works. The procedure in and of itself is nothing special, but the way he’s utilized it is very clever and has given the client a unique result that I’m sure he’s very happy with.


I wanted to show one other interesting application from the portfolio of John Garcia. Another client came to him with a large scar on his neck, and John pierced across it three times using surface bars with flat disc beads. I get a kick out of this because it’s again the sort of thing that plays head games with people who aren’t intimately acquainted with body piercing — and in this case, I see them assuming what they’re looking at was done for the client at a hospital as a part of saving his life (like pins holding together a broken limb), rather than a piercing.


Lukas Zpira Update

Old BME favorite Lukas Zpira has recently begun a blog at (which currently redirects to) to keep his fans updated, adding to his large repetoire of websites including Hacking The Future and The Chaos Chronicles. But one of my favorites by far of his recent projects is Danse Neurale — here is the flyer:


I like that tagline a lot — and of course am 100% on side with the idea that there is a reality that we can reach only through the intellect, not only with the senses. And really, as the son of a mathematician and engineer, how could I feel any differently? In any case, you must watch the video if you haven’t already — it’s a performance in which Lukas is tied to a breathing mic and a heart monitor, so it’s very easy to get intimately connected to the ritual, especially if you have some hands-on experience yourself. Watch it right through too, because it ends with some interesting interview material.

A poke in the right direction

When it comes to hand poked tattoos, the experience of getting them is often just as significant to a person as the tattoo itself.  With no machine, each and every prick of the needle is guided by the artist’s hand, creating a more intimate tie between the artist and the client.  This effect is magnified when one decides to hand poke themselves.  Below is Max Harris’ hand, and the butterfly/script hand poked tattoo that he gave himself.  While Max travels a lot, he is currently based out of Boston, MA.

I’ve got one more of Max’s self-done tattoos for later today, so keep an eye on ModBlog to check it out.  You won’t be disappointed.

A review of Jim Ward’s book, “Running The Gauntlet”

At times, it is humbling to me that I am writing for Modblog on this site that, many years ago, introduced me to new aspects of body modification, and for that matter, a whole new world. Several years ago (no doing of mine, mind you) Jim Ward, the father of modern body piercing, shared some of his tales on BMEzine with a feature called “Running The Gauntlet“. These articles exposed many readers to the early days of (modern professional) body piercing. They were a must read for any piercing aficionado and chock full of interesting tidbits from our modern history……….and then a few years later Jim announces he is going to take these stories and dozens more like them, and write an entire full length book chronicling his life, his passion and the modern history of body piercing.

Needless to say, I was thrilled at the prospect to be able to read more of his stories. However, I must be honest, I was a bit apprehensive. His short stories on BME were awesome, but could he possibly fill an entire book with material of the same caliber? For that matter, could he even write a book that would so captivate my ADD having self, that I would even be able to finish it?


For the full review, keep on keeping on.

I can honestly say that Jim went well above and beyond my expectations and he most certainly kept my attention from the first page to the last. I was worried, that there would be a lot of stories I had heard time and time again and that the rest would be filler. Of course, there were several parts I was vaguely familiar with, but seeing them presented in this much detail and in chronological order shed new light upon them. As a body modification history buff, I have become pretty jaded when it comes to learning new bits of history. That is why it is such a true thrill for me when opportunities to continue my learning arise and this book was chock full of them.

The way Jim tells his story is so honest and heartfelt, I feel as though I now know him as only a close friend or lover normally would. He may not know me from Adam, but after reading this I almost feel as if I have known him forever. A lot of that feeling can be credited to the sharing of every intimate detail. When I every intimate detail I truly  mean “every”. The book starts off primarily focusing on his childhood and progresses to his current.  From humiliating tales of urinating himself to extremely personal tales of his first time masturbating or his sexual escapades with a priest, he truly tells all.


As the book progresses so does his life. He goes into great detail about his early piercing techniques, his business relationship with Doug Malloy and learning proper technique by trial and error. For instance, we all take for granted the fact that piercing guns are not acceptable for even a basic lobe piercing. However, this knowledge didn’t come without some experimentation, such as the piercing gun contraption he used to use for  piercing (like the nipple piercing pictured below).


He explains all about the founding, expansion and eventual demise of The Gauntlet. He doesn’t just tell his tale either, from Sailor Sid to Howie and dozens if not hundreds of piercers and mod artist in between, he truly does an outstanding job of documenting our modern history. As most of our readers should know, Jim’s contributions to the piercing world certainly were not limited to the work coming out of his shops. In fact, more people probably discovered piercing from his publication PFIQ then from any other source at the time.


The real shame in this book is that it is being marketed almost purely as a book for piercing aficionados, which is really a limited demographic. While piercing is a huge part of the book, there is so much more to it then just that. It is the story of a gay male coming out in  a time when that was a far bigger deal then it is today. It is the story of a man taking his fringe interest and turning it not just into a business, but an entire industry….and if that’s not the American dream, I don’t know what is.  This book has so much to offer to so many people, I’d like to see it far outreach our little community.


This book is now added to my “required reading” list for my current and any future apprentices. For who we are now as a community is a direct result of Jim’s passion, his work and his innovation, so anyone learning under me damn well better appreciate that. I encourage all of our readers to purchase this book and if you can’t afford it, perhaps get together with some friends and throw in for it. One way or the other, if you have even the most minimal interest and respect for body piercing, you NEED to read this book.

The book is for sale on and elsewhere. However, do me a favor if possible, and buy it directly from Jim rather than supporting some mega-corp. Also, if you are a piercer who orders from Anatometal, Barry is being generous enough to sell the book (which you can include in your regular orders) and give 100% of the proceeds back to Jim.

Meet Alan Macias

Back when it was much warmer I posted some pictures of Alan Macias. At the time, he didn’t have an IAM page and I had nothing to go off of when writing the post except for my take on the pictures. Since that post, Alan has made himself an IAM page.

When I stumbled upon his page his description answered a few of my questions and gave me a bit more insight to his life, but it definitely left me wanting more.

I had a motorcycle accident. I was in the hospital for a year. I had about 40 operations to put me back together. I had nerve damage to my left shoulder, my non-functioning arm had to go. My tattoos are decoration first and then they tell the story of me last. I am not shy about being naked in public because I know everyone is the same and most fear being judged, another word for peer pressure.

After finding him and reading that, I felt obliged to send him a message and see if he wouldn’t mind answering a few questions for me. Luckily for me and the modblog readers,  he happily obliged.


For a deeper look into the life of Alan Macias, keep on keeping on.

The following interview comes from a live Skype text interview I conducted with Alan as well as some information from his IAM diary entries.

Sean: So let’s start with the basics, age location career sexual preference things of that nature.

Alan: Well, I was born March 17, St. Patricks Day, 1964. So that’s like 46 years old. I gotta stop having birthdays! I live in San Francisco, California. For work I do Special Hazard Fire Suppression Systems. These are fire systems that are in locations that water can not be used, they will detect a fire and put it out with something else. I like girls a little more than boys, but I have had my share of boyfriends so I guess as long as they are not hairy that is really the test. I am married but it is an open relationship. All that means is we do not get jealous of each other, the only thing is just don’t catch anything!

Sean: Do your mods and lifestyle have any bearing on your career?

Alan: Getting the job done well is the only thing that anyone cares about. My injuries, missing arm and crushed knee, are mostly to my left side, so I have to put a little more thought into how I interact with different locations and equipment. I have never had a customer freak out or anything. I might get a quick look, but I am there to do a job. For the most part I think they assume I can do the job because I am there in the first place.

Sean: Awesome, you are quite fortunate to have a skill set such as that, where your work is important enough that your mods and personal life do not have any affect on your career. The injury your referring to would be what lead to your amputation (meaning it was not voluntary as I tend to assume when I see amputations on BME). I read the injury was from a motorcycle accident, would you care to elaborate?

Alan: I was really into motorcycles at the time. When I died I had, I think, seven bikes in my garage. If I was not working, I was on a ride or trip via motorcycle. I rode with the San Francisco Northstars Motorcycle Club. The accident was all my fault; I was taking a turn too fast. I was pretty messed up, everything was broken, I was in the hospital for eight months, and I had about forty operations to put me back together.


This leg tattoo was done to cover a skin graft .

Sean: Wow, that’s a serious accident! You said you died, any amazing revelations from that?

Alan: Yeah, I think there were three times when I was in the ICU, but I am better now. And no, I do not remember white lights or any of that sort of thing. The thing about death is when it is your time, that’s it. My attitude is from growing up in a funeral home in San Francisco. I am still a licensed funeral director in California.

Sean: A funeral director as well, you just continue to become even more interesting. I read on your IAM page that the amputation was voluntary in the fact it was “just dead weight” can you elaborate on that and how life has been since that as a result of that choice.

Alan: There was too much nerve damage to my left shoulder. They saved the arm, and after the cast came off some tests were done, but nothing much happened. After getting out of the hospital, I went in for an experimental surgery to move a nerve graph from my lower right leg to my damaged left shoulder. That did not work at all; that was one of the surgeries I should not have done. So then after living with this dead weight and having to carry it around in a sling, I asked to have it removed. The next morning I knew my life was going to be more easy because it was not in the way all the time. I weighed myself before and after surgery and there was a three pound difference.

Sean: I have to agree, that seems like an obvious decision in your specific case. It seems you have adapted to life with one arm pretty damn well, what were the biggest challenges though?

Alan: Mostly it is learning patience. Sometimes I have to think about how to do something with one arm. I might have to make a special tool and sometimes I even have to ask for help.

Sean: You seem to do a good bit more than most people in the world with 4 fully functioning limbs. Aside from body mods the biggest interest in my life has always been cars and motor sports, I see the inconvenience of lacking one arm hasn’t kept you from participating in some auto racing. The pic I saw on your IAM page showed you racing, an m3 coupe I believe. Is that a regular activity you partake in?

Alan: It is just a regular Z3 coupe because I need an automatic, as I would be too busy with a stick shift on the track. Although I did put a supercharger in it to get it to move. Unfortunately that much power tends to kill the car’s transmissions in about 10,000 miles. So I go when I can afford it.


Sean: It’s quite awesome to see someone racing with one functional arm. Were you racing cars before the accident as well?

Alan: No, but before the accident I raced around on motorcycles.

Sean: Cool, I kind of assumed that might be the case, I just wanted to clarify. So how long after the accident was it before you were racing cars?

Alan: Two or three years. I did not know if I was up to that sort of thing or even if I wanted to, but I guess you never change.

Sean: Some people definitely do change after traumatic events like that, you are amongst the minority that do not, that is quite commendable. So where do the body mods fall into your life? What do you have? When did you start getting them and what was the motivation behind them?

Alan: For me they are decoration, a permanent decoration that is like makeup. They also reflect my life and my interests. They are not to be taken too seriously, I want people to look at them and get a laugh. The only mods I chose were tattoos, any other mod just happened. I started to get inked before my accident in maybe 1995 or so. I generally dislike wearing shoes, so I started to get my toes tattooed, and later on I did the tops of my feet. One side is supposed to be a happy figure and the other side a sad figure, but the way they came out, one looked angry and the other looked constipated. On my right shoulder I have a tattoo from the movie Blade Runner, and on my stump a cut on dotted line.

Sean: How about the collection of tattoos in your “shorts”, is there any meaning or story with them or are they just images you like aesthetically?


Alan: The images in my shorts are from my life. There is me, my wife Marilyn, and our three dogs. This was art she had done for a card we sent out one year. There is a motorcycle, and a superhero figure; I like graphic novels. A day of the dead skull, since I grew up in a funeral home. Various sea life; I like to scuba dive. I just drew the others to fit the contours of my body.  People wear under garments for different reasons. Some to feel sexy some to keep the skid marks to a minimum and in my case, so I do not chafe. When I started my tattoo of shorts the idea was a solid wall of color that would look like I was wearing shorts and you would have to get really close to me to see otherwise. But as the tattooing progressed I decided that I wanted to have the art not all running together. I like my tattoos simple and easy to understand. So now if I wear underwear it has to go with my art somehow. Be your art or at least let it be a part of you.


My tattoo gal at the time was a great sport about having to crawl up my ass to get in all the nooks and crannies, and the same can be said about my hair removal person.

Sean: Yeah she got ALL up in the nooks and crannies, so I have to ask the most annoying question ever, because if I don’t the comments section will be full of other’s asking. Did that hurt?

Alan: Yes, but like different parts of the body, not everyplace hurts the same. I have to say the scrotum and head of the penis are very sensitive, but is this news to anyone? So just get yourself some numbing cream to help, you do not want to be jumping around. It is hard enough to tattoo a straight line on those wigley parts without you jerking around.

Sean: I can imagine. I have pretty heavy tattoo coverage, but not in such intimate areas as yourself.

Alan: No location is intimate on me. Society makes up some goofy rules, but it is all just part of me.

Sean: Great quote, I like that a lot. Perhaps sensitive would have been a better word choice for me in that instance. Where did you start your tattoo collection?

Alan: I think I got a toe ring tattoo first. The first on my shorts area was the burning man tattoo on my butt cheek.

Sean: Very cool, I have never been to that, but from hearing about it from friends who have it seems like a very life changing event to attend.

Alan: It was for me.

Sean: Tell me about it, if you don’t mind. I saw the pics from your trip, it looked like a great time.

Alan: Burning Man is a place full of people who for one week let everyone be who they are without judgment. So if you want to walk around naked or wear a costume, no problem. I like to go just to meet different people and see all the great art. I also like to see if my planning is well thought out and that I can set up my camp site, shade structure, etc. by myself. It is heavy duty camping and I like the planning. You really have to go to get what it is all about, looking at the pictures on the web doesn’t really do it justice. The art is bigger than life, and the people are weirder than they seem at first. They might look like they just stepped out of the mall, then you talk to them, and wow, they are not what you thought!


Sean: Well, I haven’t ever been to burning man, but I have been to several modcons, so I can definitely relate with that sentiment! The whole thing does sound incredible though, I think that is definitely going on my life’s to-do list.

Anyhow, back to body mods, what about the hair removal? That might not be typically considered in the same realm as tattoos and piercings and whatnot, but I definitely feel it qualifies as a body modification.

Alan: You’re right. First, some background on why I went to all the hassle and expense of killing off most of my body hair. I was a regular guy, so it was going to take a fair amount of time. I like massages; I used to get them because motorcycles can make a guy full of aches and pains. If you are hairy, a lot of oil has to be used, and then it makes you an oily mess when the massage is over. Hair also gets in the way of either getting or looking at tattoos. Now that my hair is removed, I do not get those bumps after I shave my pubes. At last I am quick to dry after I take a shower or swim.


Original body hair pre-removal treatments in 2003.

The human body has only one third of its hair out at any time, so every three months your hair will fall out and be replaced. That is why the hair on your legs or underarms is not to the ground: it is always falling out and being replaced by a different hair follicle next to it. Permanent hair removal has to be done at least three times, because the most hair that can be killed is only 33%, and even then you are always going to miss a few. You just go back until you get them all, or at least remove enough to satisfy your esthetic. There are two ways generally to go about permanently removing hair from your body.

Laser hair removal works by using a powerful laser that is tuned to shine light at a frequency that will interact with the hair and hair follicle. The light will penetrate a few millimeters into the living follicle and heat it up, a lot like third degree heat. It feels like you are getting a massive tattoo with a needle as wide as your thumb. The pros about laser hair removal is that it is quicker than electrolysis because the laser head treats more than one hair at a time. The cons are that not every hair is knocked out; some are only stunned and will come back later, others may come back finer. Since you are hitting your skin with a laser, some side effects may pop up, such as small bright red moles or burns. With laser hair removal there has to be a definite color difference between skin tone and hair color. Because of this, people with dark skin or blond hair do not do well with it. If some parts of your skin are dark, you can also get burned. I got burned on my penis and scrotum once; I guess the skin color was a little darker there, but that will heal up okay. Also, you can get red scorch marks (like a second/third degree burn) where the treatment is, and that will take a few weeks to heal.


Mid-hair removal results from 2007.

I used laser hair removal to lessen my hair density, but once I started to get more tattoos I had to switch to electrolysis. It is slower, but if you get someone who knows what they are doing, it is a very permanent for hair removal.

Electrolysis works by using a very thin needle that can slip next to the layer down the hair shaft, delivering a killing hot pin point to the hair follicle. The heat of killing off the follicle hurts a lot, but not the needle because it is smaller than a hair. There is also a few weeks of healing all the red bumps and marks from the little burns under the skin. What part of your body you do determines how long it takes to heal. Nora my gal is great. She has no problem crawling up my ass to get those pesky anus hairs; you would be surprised how hair it can be, or not.

Sean: So what’s next for you? Any more tattoo or mod plans?

Alan: The hair removal is alway ongoing, but now I only go in once in a while. I had all my tattoos touched up a year or so ago, but I have learned never to say never when it comes to tattoos. I have no plans at the moment, although I will have to get the sun on my belly touched up as I am going into surgery on January 5th to take care of a problem that cropped up from a skin graph from my original operations after the accident.

Sean: Are there any other activites you particularly enjoy besides what we have already discussed?

Alan: I found being a model in a photo shoot to be a lot of work; I do not think it is for me.

Sean: Was that for the Bizzare Magazine piece?

Alan: Yes, the shoot was for Bizarre Magazine.

Sean: How did that all come about?

Alan: Well, a while back you had posted a photo of me that I posted to my BME account. One of the editors for the magazine then tracked me down and asked if I would be interested in them doing an article on me along with the photo shoot. We eventually did a phone interview and months later I went to LA to meet up with a photographer they use. We shot in two locations, in town and out in the desert. I may or may not make it into the magazine because the locations of my tattoos are not G rated. They put out a book every year with the year’s best mods, and she said I would be in that, so we will see. At least I got a bunch of great photos out of the deal. Having a professional take your picture is much better than doing it yourself.

Sean: Here’s my extremely generic question, but one which I feel you may have a good answer for. If you died today, how would you want people to remember you and your life?

Alan: I hope that people would remember me as someone who lived his life the way he wanted, but did not step on too many other people’s toes along the way.

Sean:  What is one thing you have taken  from all of these experiences, that you care to share with modblog readers?

Alan: Don’t put off to tomorrow what you can do today, like telling someone you care about them or keeping in touch with a friend far away. You or they might not be here the next day, and so the chance will be forever gone.

Thanks again to Alan Macias. I hope this interview proves as interesting and inspirational to modblog readers as it was to me.

How many licks…

First off, this post isn’t about tootsie pops.  What it is about is that fun little body part we know as the tongue.  When it comes to expressing ourselves, for the most part the tongue plays a major role.  It is significant in our spoken language, where the tongue deftly moves to craft the sounds that become our words.  Yet even those amongst us that don’t use their voice as their primary form of communication, still use their tongue when it comes to something else that is extremely important to most people, which is of course affection.  Now I hesitate to use the word love, and even affection is a bit of an overstatement, but you can’t deny that when it comes to being intimate with someone, the first thing that tends to come into play is the tongue.  Be it affection, lust, desire, pain or pleasure, the tongue is always significant.

So with the discovery that a split tongue can still work just as well as an unsplit tongue, coupled with the fact that it opens up all kids of new fun tricks, its no wonder that it has become so popular.  Just take a look at BME user xFBx, and how happy he is with his split tongue.

Obviously this image came from the split tongue gallery, but you can also find it and similar images in the lowbret and multiple labret galleries.

So, what’s your favorite thing to do with your tongue?

Who needs an iTouch when your body can do the same job?

I think it’s safe to say the following story can be filed under the “That’s so freaking cool” category.

It seems a design firm has started to make headway into what can best be described as interactive tattoos.  The theory behind the tech is that the electronics are printed onto a person’s skin (in the form of a tattoo design) and the body’s energy fuels the devices so that you can essentially turn your body into an interactive computer.  No need for a cell phone when you can tap your arm and it will make the phone call for you.


The DNA Tattoo, or Dattoo, could include printable input/output tools such as a camera, microphone, or laser-loudspeaker – it would be up to the user, as would the Dattoo’s aesthetics. Most intriguingly, it would capture its wearer’s DNA, to ensure an intimate user/machine relationship.  This meant that the body itself would need to become the interface, and would supply the required energy. Because Dattoos would largely replace three-dimensional tools such as smart phones or laptops, the environment would be spared the costs of producing, transporting and disposing of those items.

Despite evoking creepy Matrix-like images of permanent implants, Dattoos would actually be temporary and minimally-invasive. They could even be applied to clothing or other objects, instead of the skin. At the end of the day, they would simply be washed off. The next day, depending on what the user planned to do, they could order up and apply a new one.

The long term goal of the project is to be able to incorporate LED screens into the designs so that your body will completely replace your cell phone and laptop.

I have a bit of mixed feelings on this one.  While on one hand this looks really cool in theory, in practice, I’d be a little scared to be linked to a computer through my DNA when SkyNet goes live and judgement day hits.

What about you?  Would you be willing to use a stick-on tattoo design computer if it meant you could replace all your portable technology?

Trendspotting: Animal Carcasses

So, here is a fun new style all the fashionistas are latching onto these days: attractive women wearing dismembered animal heads as nightmare-inducing masks! Here is bad_bunny (more) sporting the latest in, hmm, horse skulls? With suspension hook tattoos by Jsin at Bloodlines Tattoo in San Rafael, California, and the photo, “Intimacy” by © g r o u n d f l o o r.

After the jump, another pretty lady in a flesh helmet.

This, of course, is local favorite meltbanana, whose Zpira-done cutting has been featured before, albeit without the big ol’ pig face.

See more in Skin Removal Scarification (Scarification)

Full Coverage: Links From All Over (Jan. 6, 2009)

[Esquire] I like Clint Eastwood. He’s starred in some of truly excellent movies, and has directed some legitimate classics. With that said, he is a crotchety old man who pines for a culture that no longer exists and as such he sometimes says things that make him sound totally out of touch. Take, for example, this recent Esquire interview:

Kids piercing themselves, piercing their tongues — what kind of masochism is that? Is it to show you can just take it?


We live in more of a pussy generation now, where everybody’s become used to saying, “Well, how do we handle it psychologically?” In those days, you just punched the bully back and duked it out. Even if the guy was older and could push you around, at least you were respected for fighting back, and you’d be left alone from then on.

And back in my day, you could give a kid a stick and a tire and an old car battery, and he’d have a grand old time! I prefer FilmDrunk‘s take on the situation, imagining this same interview occurring 50 years from now:

“Lemme tell you something, you kids, you’re all a bunch a goddamned sissies. Back in my day, a bully pushed you around, ya dint go to no psychologist. Ya just dyed your hair black, started wearin’ a trenchcoat, maybe got a couple a piercings. Then one day, you showed up with a couple a pipe bombs, and daddy’s Tec-9, and you shot the bully, plus a bunch a other kids, maybe a couple teachers, just for shits and giggles. Then you put the gun in your mouth, make sure the cops couldn’t take you alive, and leave ‘em a note written entirely in Marilyn Manson lyrics. Those were the days.”

[Australian News] Get ready, Australian body piercers, because there are some serious new regulations to follow.

Under new Victorian laws, minors will be barred from getting their nipples and genitals pierced and kids under 16 will need parental consent for any other body piercing.

The laws will come in effect from January 1, which will see piercers fined with 6600 dollars if they give a person aged under 18 an intimate body piercing.

Those who give minors a tattoo or perform scarification, tongue splitting, branding or beading on someone aged under 18 will be slapped with the same penalty.

And piercers will have to pay 2200-dollar fine if they give kids under 16 a non-intimate body piercing without parental consent.

Piercers and modification artists can, however, escape these charges if they can compellingly prove that the teens in question were using fake IDs, such as driver’s licenses, or were wearing clothing that made it seem like they were “asking for it.”

[IBN Live] So, a film named Ghajini was recently released in India, in which the lead character is trying to avenge the death of his wife, but is suffering from a sort of amnesia, and as such, tattoos his body with reminders and clues so he knows who to kill. (It is by all accounts a Bollywood remake of Memento.) Anyway, one of these tattoos was a phone number that unluckily belongs to a Bangalore resident, Sarah Varghese, who is none too pleased!

It was Sarah’s number that was tattooed on Aamir’s body which splashed on all posters across the city. Needless to say Sarah is as irritated with Ghajini as Aamir is in the movie.

“I thought somebody was playing a prank but when I saw the poster I was really shocked. I was wondering how could my number feature in that and I was really shocked,” said Sarah.

So as Ghajini hit the screens on the December 25 and as Aamir bashed up all the baddies he could get in the movie, life for Sarah became even more difficult.

Her phone kept ringing continuously sometimes to even 50 times a day. Sarah — who usually doesn’t watch movies on the big screen — decided that enough is enough and went and watched the movie on New Year’s eve.

When asked if she is planning to lodge a complaint against the producers of the movie, Sarah said,”We’ll see as things come and how far it goes. The calls are now reducing, so if it stops completely now, I will not file a complaint”.

Jesus Christ. Who did these people imagine was going to answer when they called that number? Did they think they were going to help solve the mystery? Yet another example of how tattoos, every day, are ruining the lives of innocents.

[News Journal Online] And not just innocents, but convicts, too! Lempira Norman, who was incarcerated at the Volusia Country Branch Jail near Daytona, Florida, was jumped by two other inmates after refusing to join what the article calls a “club” (which is prison lingo for “rape gang”), who held him down and tattooed a penis on him, on Christmas.

Harris and Collina showed up with a blanket and ordered Norman to get on the floor, the report shows. They threw the blanket on his head and began pummeling him.

The men threatened Norman, saying he would get a worse beating unless he allowed them to apply a tattoo, the report shows. Harris told Norman the tattoo would be of a capital and lowercase B, the report said.

But instead, as Collina held Norman down, Harris — equipped with a makeshift tattoo kit — applied a drawing of a penis on the back of the victim’s right shoulder, the report shows.

I spent the holidays alone in my apartment drinking barley wine that tasted like alcoholic soy sauce, but I have to say, this guy probably had the worst Christmas I’ve heard of this season.

[YouTube] At lastly, let’s come full circle with another old man talking about piercings. Except George Carlin is funnier than Clint Eastwood, and this was 20 years ago (so George wasn’t so old), and this video is full of hilarious cursing. Tally ho, ModBlog.

If you take the “U” out it’s still “BM”. Erm, wait..

I don’t have any other information on this other than bena “met this guy at a party and it’s supposed to say squeeze me.”

It took me three attempts to spell the name of the JPEG file wrong.

I haven’t forgotten what I said the other day, but typos are a little different, and I’m sure once the wearer realises (especially in such an intimate location) they’ll be chuckling along too.