Get Thee To the Mall

IAM: cocky_bob (who has nothing to do with this post).

Everybody knows that the only reason to go to the mall is to pick up underage girls, or to enjoy the sweet relief of air conditioning on a ball-droppingly humid summer day, or maybe to hand out extremist political pamphlets to impressionable young children. So who in the world would go to the mall to get tattooed? The answer: People! The Wall Street Journal chimes in today with a story profiling Mario Barth and the folks behind Tattoo Nation, both of whom are looking to turn their tattoo shops into nationwide franchises. That, of course, is not a particularly new idea, but the idea seems to center on attracting people who may not normally venture into your average iniquitous den of tattooery, where things are usually on fire and the artists are snorting weed and sacrificing animals and such:

Tattoo Nation LLC had to tackle such issues when it set out several years ago to be the first mall-based tattoo-parlor chain in the country. It opened its first location in 2006 in the Woodbridge Center Mall in Woodbridge, N.J., 200 feet from Bloomingdale’s.

Early next year, it will open two stores in New York — in the Staten Island Mall and the Queens Center mall — and it is in lease negotiations at more than a dozen other malls around the U.S.

[…] So far, some traditional mall customers have responded well to the tattoo parlors. Geralyn Stanley, a 32-year-old high-school art teacher and mother of two young girls, wanted a tattoo but was leery of patronizing traditional parlors. When she came across the white-tiled, rock-music-playing Tattoo Nation in the Woodbridge Center Mall, she felt more at ease — so much so that she has gotten three tattoos in the past year. On one visit, she brought along her mother, a 52-year-old librarian, who got her first tattoo.

In all fairness though, while the negative characterization of tattoo shops is mostly silly, it’s probably a testament to the art form that even people who have no interest in — and, indeed, feel completely apart from — “traditional” tattoo culture are still hot to get tattooed, albeit in a setting that feels more appropriate for their personalities and experiences. So … probably a good business move.

There is a slight error, though, where the WSJ reporter mentions that, in addition to Tattoo Nation rebranding its shops as Inked shops, that the company has purchased Inked magazine as well. Apparently not. Inked‘s Jason Buhrmester wrote in to Gawker to correct the mistake:

“We are actually published by Don Hellinger, the owner of Nylon and Nylon Guys. We want nothing to do with Tattoo Nation and begrudge it for wasting valuable space that could be filled with a tasty Orange Julius.”

Me-OW! Tat-fight!

Tattoo Parlors Start Hitting Mall [Wall Street Journal Online]

Inked Is Not A Mall Rat [Gawker]

Light and Flickering

From what I can gather, this photo was taken for the lovely La Negra‘s thirtieth birthday, and it is, unsurprisingly, as stunning as we’ve come to expect from her. But, ha ha, good luck blowing out those candles! (Yeah, I’ve got nothing.)

(More of La Negra on ModBlog here.)

See more in BME/Culture/People (Culture)

Monday Morning Pick-Me-Up

Think you know where this one’s going? Yeah, you’re probably right.

I’m not sure what the best part of the second photo is: The big guy lifting 80 lbs. with his ears, or the little guy seeming completely unfazed by the situation. “What? I’m hanging from some ears. Happens all the time. Beats riding a bike, am I right? Hey, you got an XBox over there?”

… and scene.

See more in Other Ritual Fun (Ritual)

Full Coverage: Links From All Over (Oct. 24, 2008)

[] Oh hey look! It’s one of those newfangled editions of BME’s Big Question that all the movie stars are talking about! Let’s go read it immediately! Yeah, good idea! No, me first!

[] The ever-wonderful io9 has just posted a pretty comprehensive list of notable tattoos that have popped up in various science-fiction films and series over the years. To the right is a picture of Angelina Jolie from Wanted from their gallery, which I have included here because why the hell not.

[] Are you an adult of voting age in or around Kirksville, MO, who is planning on braving the booths on November 4? Well slap your mammy, because Dyed Hyde Tattoo and Body Piercing is offering “free” (plus $5 for equipment, allegedly) piercings to customers all day, provided they bring their identification, their voter registration card and an “I Voted” sticker!

“This is the most important election in history, as far as I’m concerned, and my idea to give free body piercings on election day is just to get voters out there, give them some incentive to get out there and vote,” said “Flash” [a shop staff member].

[…] He says Democrats and Republicans are welcome to take advantage of his offer.

So after you have navigated the mazes of imaginary 11-foot-tall black gangbangers from the planet Africa who want nothing more than to beat the piss out of you and carve you to pieces, reward yourself for having done your civic duty! Meghan McCain will be on hand, trying in vain to convince the shop owner to give her a free mustache tattoo on her finger.