Oslo SusCon is go!

Alexander Trowell is a body piercer and student nurse from Southport, U.K. He’ll be filing reports all weekend from the Oslo SusCon — keep checking this spot for updates.

Photo credit: Rachel Larratt / BMEzine.com

In what is fast becoming hardened tradition, participants from around the globe are here to meet like-minded suspension aficionados and newbies alike. Wings of Desire, the group responsible for the convention, have proven yet again that they can pull talents from across the worldwide mod community together to educate and inform.

The SusCon officially began around 2 p.m. today, with lectures by Havve Fjell (of Pain Solution and Wings of Desire), Steve and Cookie Haworth (of Life Suspended and HTC) and Steve Joyner (of CoRE). The weekend’s first suspension, however, is already over 20 hours old. Marte did a beautiful suspension, the like of which I had never seen before; the closest comparison I can draw is to a resurrection-style suspension, but with a line of four hooks placed along middle of her torso, including one placed over the sternum.

Marte suspension
Photo credit: Alexander Trowell / BMEzine.com

This, the seventh installation in the Oslo Suscon legacy, will see between 60 and 75 suspensions take place over the weekend, and it’s no small achievement that it has attracted people from three more countries than last year – a staggering 14 nations are represented. Not too shabby!

Havve and Christiane Lofblad (of Pinpoint Piercing and Wings of Desire) have proven their competency again in organizing the event, with the help of a great crew and some absolutely awesome volunteers.

It is the plan of this humble blogger to report daily on suspensions and events going down here, so stay tuned to see what’s going on. Now, to get some food before it’s all gone …

Photo credit: Alexander Trowell / BMEzine.com