The Wang Game..

WARNING: – This game is not suitable for minors and may contain nuts!!

So, the idea of this “game” is to work out what it is the wang’s being poked through! Don’t bother hovering your mouse over the thumbnails, it won’t help you!

Also, I have no idea where one would go to buy a set like this (it’s not for me, honest) or what you’re supposed to poke through the holes, but I’d be interested to know.

There’s a Beauty in the Chaos..

My buddy Shannon sent me these lovely photos of her last outing to the iHung / Modified Soul barbeque.. I think I’ve mentioned it once before here, but it always makes me realise just how much I miss suspending and the atmosphere that comes with it.

It was an amazing experience. It really helped me cope with a lot of
events that have happened already this year, mainly my father’s
death early in January. I love my iHung family! They are always there for me
and offer me the greatest experiences I could ever ask for. They are
truly the greatest friends and I couldn’t have asked for anyone better to
be there with me for such a meaningful suspension than my friends of
iHung and ROP.

Read on for her suspension photos, and some scrotal fisting shenanigans with Pauly! All but the first two have larger images beyond the clickthrough..

This was a four to two point resurrection and I’m being helped by Jason and Mikey.

HOT!! (Edit – Photos by Pestering Perk.)

All suspension photos are courtesy of Beverly Diane (Up The Down Photography).