Saline Clitoral Inflation

Over the ten years or so that I’ve known Jacco and her partner, she’s been slowly enlarging her clitoris using a wide variety of means, including local hormone treatment (testosterone cream), regular vacuum pumping, saline inflation, and play. She’s already very large from all of this, but in this photo set — the explicit shots continue after the break, and there are loads more in the next BME/extreme udpate — she’s just done a 20ml clitoral saline inflation with quite dramatic results.





Dance and Body Modification

Anna’s passions include dance and body modifications — which I see as being very similar passions in a lot of ways — and her friend Anna Powalowska documented that in a recent photo shoot. The corset (done only for these pictures) was done by Pawel at Black Star Studio in Warsaw, Poland. Her tattoo was done by her boyfriend Karol who also tattoos at Black Star.



Dr. Bitch’s Wattle Piercings

Dr. Bitch is showing off his pink-ribbon bound “triple bilateral watticular rings” at the 2007 Folsom Street Fair. The wattle piercings were done by TJ Burleigh at Arts of Flesh, and his nipple piercings (with delrin flare end tubes) were done in ceremony at the BLW retreat by the late Sharon Nickle (who you may have seen touring as The Impervious Aziza). A closeup photo follows after the break.



Smile, You’re Different

Tyler, who pierces at Tattoo Cultura in Moscow, Russia, did this smiley piercing on a customer, but sent it in because,

“Her teeth amazed me — there was no modification… It’s all natural!”

One of the things that I love about this community is acceptance, and even revelry, in the different ways people’s bodies turn out, both on purpose and by chance.


I’m reminded of a scene in one of my favorite movies, Harold and Maude, in which Maude has just told Harold that if she could be a flower, she’d like to be a sunflower, and asks him what kind he’d like to be. He gestures at an enormous field of daisies, and when asked why, says, “because they’re all the same.”

Maude assures him though that they’re not, showing him, and saying,

“See — some are smaller, some are fatter, some grow to the left, some to the right, some even have some petals missing — all kinds of observable differences. There is not a repeat in the bunch. Each person is different, never existed before and never to exist again. Just like this daisy — an individual.”

What Maude says next very much sums up one of the core philosophical/cultural statements that I try and make on BME…

“I believe much of the world’s sorrow comes from people who know they are this — (she holds the daisy) — yet let themselves be treated — (she looks out at the field) — as that.”

I never wanted to be different, I just wanted to be me.

True/Deep Achilles Piercing

A few days ago I posted one of the small number of ultra-rare piercings, the eyelid ring, and I wanted to follow that up today with the even rarer, and arguably more dangerous, Achilles tendon piercing. This piercing literally passes through the small gap in between the Achilles tendon and the junction of the fibula, tibia, and talus junction — it goes without saying that if problems arise, they can be literally crippling… This particular example was done by David Bendele of On The Edge Body Art Studio in Findlay, Ohio.
