BSF knuckle tattoos; “In hope this little angel will be free from all of their poisons” — on xkurux by Josh Chapman at Ironage Tattoo in Saint Louis, MO.
Tag Archives: body-modification
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Don’t litter
Who’d have thought that “Don’t Mess With Texas”, a government anti-littering campaign, would become so deeply ingrained into our culture (a la the Santa Claus invented by the Coca Cola corporation). This take on it — “Don’t Mess With Ex’s” — is by Chris Hornus at Consolidated Ink and Steel.
DIRTY girl
JessicaLea writes about her “crappy inner lip tattoo” — which ironicly says DIRTY — “don’t let your buddy tattoo you in his living room.” I think that’s good advice in general, although inner lip tattoos can be hard to get right even in the best of circumstances.
baby cuz i’m a thug
Taradactyl and Jacob’s amuzing matching “thug life” tattoos by Homey Dave at Tattoo Alley in Kent, WA.
Implants with scars over them
Wow, Urea‘s intense scarification work coupled with the massive implants he has under them (all self done by the way!) is really something, I mean, to the point where I would think people with zero experience with body modification must really be totally freaked out and not understand what they’re seeing! Urea works at Urea Body Piercing in Joao Pessoa PB Brazil, and has been featured a number of times here on ModBlog before: scalpel scar, money keloid, ubersuggestive skull, giant taper, and huge hand implants. Intense guy, very hardcore about body modification…
That is some extreme play.
Willli in Prague, Czech Republic is into some very intense recreation! (More in BME/HARD).
DIY Permanent Toenail Removal
Burning the nailbed off using a soldering iron, with spray freeze assistance.
Think about how it was taken
It took me too long to figure out what this says… I thought it was Gaellic or something, and then I realized the photo was taken in the mirror and Snap Dragon‘s still unfinished piece actually says “PAIN”.
By Jonathan Salvat, Caracas
How many photos from that barn are you going to post?
Seriously. I keep grabbing these photos that I like and realizing that they’re all from the same event. This eight point lotus suspension comes to us [again] care of El Verno at Holy Mackerel / Visual Addication in St. Paul, MN.