Things are looking up

Continuing with today’s marathon of BMEGirls, we have an anonymous uploader who has a passion for body modification.  Now in her comments she mentions that she “doesn’t have the most impressive piercings”, to that I say “so what”.  While ModBlog does tend to favor posting images of some of the more drastic modifications, that doesn’t mean the entire community is heavily modified.  It’s been discussed before about what constitutes body modification, especially in cases where journalists make wild claims about how everyone who is modified has something wrong.  The fact is, even the act of cutting ones hair is a way to modify themselves.  What matters most is how the person feels about themselves, and if choosing to modify their body through piercings, tattoos, scars, etc is what they choose to do, then we as a community embrace them, regardless of the level of modification they have.

When it comes down to it, we have a beautiful BMEGirl, sending in a beautiful picture to the piercing galleries.

Smile with your eyes

So if you’ve ever sat through an episode of America’s Next Top Model, then you’ve probably heard the phrase “Smile with your eyes”.  According to Tyra, it’s a difficult thing for a model to master, and it is an invaluable tool for their careers.  Of course sometimes you don’t have to work to master it at all.  Take a look at Shanna here, she’s just naturally pretty, and her eyes are sparkling with a smile.  The fact that she has a lot of well done piercings and several tattoos doesn’t hurt either.

Her piercings and neck tattoos were done by Jeff from Heebee Jeebees, and her chest piece was done by Emily from To The Grave, both located in Colorado Springs.


I try to post a variety of images every day to ModBlog.  And with every image I post, I try my best to make a story around it.  I see a tattoo of Prince’s love symbol, and I think of both the artist and the dedication of his fans.  I see a candid image from a pulling performance, and think of the outer expressions of inner pain.

Then I see an image like this…


…and I’m at a loss for words.

Which of course got me to thinking, what is it about certain images and action that can take our breath away.  To render even the most expressive of us speechless.  Is it some base instinct that we have, like the fight or flight reactions, that when we are emotionally overwhelmed we react by silencing ourselves?  Or is it a cultural phenomenon, where we’ve been raised in a world where the effects of the Romantic period have permeated our collective consciousness.  The moment where our minds are presented with an overwhelming amount of emotional stimulation causes us to take pause and reflect on the images before we are able to express ourselves and our reactions.

Now that I’ve had a moment to reflect on the image, I think that it conveys exactly what I was just talking about.  We have this woman looking outwards her lips bound by a black ribbon woven through her piercings.  You see through her eyes that she has something to say, but for the moment she cannot speak.  It is only when the ribbon is removed, can she express herself fully.  So we too, in those moments when everything falls away and we get lost in the image, have our lips bound, not by ribbon, but by our own minds.  We pause, holding everything in until the right moment, when we can remove our own ribbons and are free to speak again.

I want to thank member Scissor_Kitty for submitting this image to the piercing galleries.  So while you may not like every image in the galleries, there are certainly enough images in there that can take your breath away, simply through the story the image is telling.

Beauty has her way

I’m not ashamed to say that when I came across this photo, this beautiful woman actually took my breath away. She is absolutely stunning. UndoingEverything has credited James of Body Electric Tattoo though she didn’t specify whether he did all of her piercings or something in particular in the photo.  Her piercings really work well and are very aesthetically pleasing.  I think this is a good example of body modification really enhancing someone’s appearance.  (I may also have a slight girl crush, it’s hard to say.)


Be sure to check out BME daily for new content.

Say, don’t I know you?

This photo was submitted to BME by IndecisiveWeirdo out of Sydney. She reminds me of an actress but I can’t quite figure out who and it’s driving me crazy. Fortunately, I don’t have far to go to get there!

Over the weekend I’ve added about 600 new photos to the BME galleries and 50+ videos. Go check them out! Remember, you can sign up for a profile that will allow you to view even more photos for free.

AFK for a bit

I’m going to be busy working on the BETA for BME’s new site to post to Modblog so hopefully the new Modblog contributors can keep up with my previous pace while I’m gone. The Year End Awards will go up on the first so don’t worry about that.

Beaker sent me a link to this video (which unfortunately doesn’t have an embed option) about the Biami tribe that had never had contact with the outside world. They’ve got all sorts of modifications but no cupcakes like our friend Adrian below! I’ve also been playing with so feel free to ask whatever questions you have and I’ll answer them as I can in between breaks working on the BETA.


See more in Big Nostrils (Nose Piercing)


Seriously Brasil stop being so awesome.

Alright. That’s it. I’m not sure what else I’m supposed to do but clearly Brasilians want me to come and live amongst them. I definitely don’t have the butt for those g-strings but I’ll see what I can do. I was sitting here trying to update modblog and I have a bunch of guys sitting behind me and they’re talking about what they see on my screen and I’m trying to explain to them that it’s my job to post pictures of people on the Modblog and they ask me if it’s all hot chicks and I say, “yeah, more or less with the occasional split dick”. The look on their faces is pretty priceless.

They thoroughly enjoyed getting a sneak peak of infant_finite before it goes live on the site.


Sao Paulo, here I come. After I finish shooting photos of these tattoo machines.

See more in Cheeks (Lip Piercing)

Mustache me not!

I checked his page to figure out what the meaning behind the tattoo was but he hasn’t posted in a while so hopefully he’ll give us some insight into what his tattoo means or stands for. I’d also like to know if the tattoo is healed or not. It’s incredibly vibrant like it’s new without any apparent redness or swelling.


Clicky clicky!


I wonder if he’s participating in Movember or whatever the mustache growing month is called.

See more in Facial and Neck Tattoos (Tattoos)