Paging Jeff Winger

Maybe I’ve been watching too much Community, but when I first saw this picture of Reuss I could have sworn he was Joel McHale.

Of course, taking a closer look, it’s obvious he’s not.  If anything, he makes a better looking BMEBoy than Joel would.  As for what’s on his chest, it’s lettering celebrating his acceptance at a major juried art exhibition, and his dedication to art.  It was done by Jarl from Syndicate Tattoo in Denmark.

Stairway to Heaven

I don’t know how she does it, but every new picture that Madison sends in makes her that much hotter.  Granted it could be that this week the reason is that it is the first time I’ve had to hide the full image behind a clickthrough.  What I don’t understand is why you’re still reading this when you should just go and hit the read more button this instant!

For those keeping track, her newest addition is the script on her chest.  The nipple piercings may be new as well, but that’s only because we haven’t seen them before.

The script itself spells out “Loose lips, sink ships” and was done by Derek Hill from Oceanic Art in Dartmouth, NS.  The rest of her art was done by Scott Forbes, also from Oceanic art.

Back in Black(light)

It’s been a while since we’ve seen UV ink tattoos on ModBlog, and while there have been advances in the inks, I’m sure there are still two sides to the debate as to whether or not to use them.  Putting the debate to the side, this UV ink chest piece sent in by Kreynold is pretty impressive.  If you can’t read the writing it says “I am Blessed” above a crown.

Buddha’s Hand

Joey Pang from Tattoo Temple in Hong Kong is back at it again.  Whenever Joey sends in a photo of her recent work I always find myself stopping everything I’m doing and just staring.  Her art breathtaking, and with her philosophy of tattoos being clothing for the body, the effort she puts into her craft in unmistakable.  To Joey a tattoo is like a piece of clothing that needs to be tailored to the wearer.  Not just in the physical sense either.  Joey customizes her art both for the physical form, and the internal being.  Striking a balance between the two and crafting what will be a piece of clothing the wearer can never take off.

The following are just two of the new additions Joey had added to the BME galleries.  From the religious and mythological gallery you have the image of Buddha’s hand holding a lotus, and from the Chinese lettering gallery you have an example of her large brush calligraphy style.

I must not fear

Fear is the mind killer

For those unfamiliar with the Bene Gesserit, or their litany against fear, that can only mean one thing; you’ve never had the chance to read Dune (or see one of the adaptations of Frank Herbert’s works).  That’s alright, you still have time to go out and pick up a copy of the book.  Now if you’re not so inclined to read the novel, you can at least appreciate the sentiment.  The purpose of the litany is to calm themselves and to ease their mind when faced with fear.  We all have some form of coping strategy when in a situation that instills fear or pain, be it meditation, anger, or running away as fast as possible.  Regardless of how you deal with fear, the first step is acknowledging it.  From there it is how your mind processes it that results in your behavior.  The purpose of this particular quote, and why it is so important to fans of the series, is that it isn’t a litany that denies the existence of fear, rather one where you can take control of your fear, face it head on, and come out the other side stronger for having stood up to your fear.

I’m not sure who the artist of this piece is, but it was done at Kawbi Tattoo, in Salem, Oregon, and it is the latest addition to the lettering tattoo gallery.

Help is out there

The following photo was submitted anonymously with the title “Sexual Assault Survivor”.  It’s a simple tattoo, but it also speaks volumes about the strength this person has to be able to share with the world that they are a survivor.

If you or someone you know is the victim of sexual assault, please get in touch with one of the many organizations out there.  There are people out there that are willing to help.  With yesterday being a day of action to stop bullying, it is good to remember that men, women, and children can all become victims of sexual assault.  Now I’m not making a direct comparison between the two, but in both cases, there are people out there that do care, and want to help.

For more information, please contact your local support organizations, or visit for a list of international support numbers.

Back to the Temple

If you’ve never heard of Joey Pang and her studio Tattoo Temple (in Hong Kong), you’ll want to check out the two articles that featured her work a month ago.

Joey’s techniques when it comes to script work are unparalleled, and its always a treat to see something new from her submitted to the galleries.  This piece in particular is from the lettering tattoo gallery, and show off just how well Joey can take a script tattoo and turn it into something more than just standard characters.

tattoo temple

Now I don’t know exactly what is written, but the red symbol at the bottom is the logo for Tattoo Temple, which some of Joey’s clients ask to have added to their pieces.

One of the key features of her work is that when doing lettering tattoos, Joey is able to make the characters appear to be created by brush stroke.  The little details that emerge, such as the broken line in the top character, are what makes her work stand out as living art.

By popular demand

Because it was asked numerous times this week.  Here is a picture of a hot girl, posted on a Friday.


The young lass in the photo is MoodY (not sure if she has an IAM page or not), and the text says “Sciogliti nella terra”, which Google roughly translated into “Melt into the earth”.  If someone’s Italian is better than Google’s, I found a forum post from MoodY in which she talks about getting both this tattoo and the one on the other side.

..”sciogliti nella terra”.. ..risorgi dai tuoi errori..prima della doccia XD   beh vi dico solo che è il mio primo tatuaggio..e che ..cavolo!!!!!è stata una gran esperienza!!!!!!il lato sinistro è andato giù liscio mentre a “scrivere sciogliti nella terra” i sono venuti i lucciconi..vai capire il perchè!!XD   io sono felicissima…incorniciano un periodo della mia vita un pò così…però degno di essere ricordato..e superato!!!!!

You can see another photo of MoodY in the earlobe gallery.

As for if I’ll keep posting hot girls on Fridays, I guess you’ll just have to come back and see.