And the winner was….


He was the first person to correctly cite the album featured in this post as Faith No More’s Epic. Since I said whoever named the album correctly would be a “modblog star for a day”, here is his moment of internet stardom. It turns out he has been featured two times previously, but this one is different. This feature is about the man in the pictures, not just the pictures.

Nihilist, describes himself as:

“Beer drinkin’, whiskey chuggin’ S.O.B. Ramblin’ man. Love kitties. Hate humanity. Jobless/Homeless. Anarchist. ”

He seems like my kind of guy. In fact , that’s the kind of description I could have used for myself a few years back during my angsty youth period. Well, except the jobless/homeless part, I have always been way too into gadgets and creature comforts for that.


Here’s a tattoo of his that would have definitely been worth a modblog post all on it’s own. This “corporate zombie” was done by Duff at Studio City Tattoo in Studio City, CA.


More of Nihilist and his mods (including genital) after the break.

Another rad tattoo by Duff.


Nihilist wanted to make sure I mention Willow Piercer, whom he credits for doing all of his non-tattoo body mods.




Just from browsing his page briefly, he seems like a cool guy.  If you are on IAM take a minute and check his page out. If you are not on IAM, why the hell aren’t you?

It’s not from “A Christmas Story”, but it will have to do.

This well healed scarification piece on  IAM fanasien is the Auryn Symbol from the movie “The Neverending Story“. It was done by Wayde Dunn approximately 4.5 years before this picture was taken.

I like this scar for several reasons:

-It’s bold and should look good for a long time to come.

-It’s well incorporated into a tattoo, which adds great contrast.

-It’s a subtle reference to one of my favorite childhood movies.


Now if only someone would get “A Christmas Story” themed scar, that would be amazing! Maybe a red ryder bb gun, a orphan Annie decoder ring or a leg lamp, I am leaning towards the leg lamp…

Black & Red

It’s surprisingly hard to write a modblog post when a homeless person is outside your window yelling about the color of the bricks on your building. I’m tempted to yell down to him “those aren’t bricks, it’s stucco” just to see what he says.

Indy sent in some photos of a scarification he did recently in Brussels, Belgium. I’m sure he’ll send in some healed photos once this piece heals up.


See more in Misc. Cuttings (Scarification)


Tall tales

One of my favorite features on BME’s main site is the experience section. People contribute stories of their experiences with their own modifications, which are then reviewed by a panel of community members. If your story is really well written, then it may get featured. I’ve selected some recently featured experiences for your reading enjoyment.

A little taste of #2:

“I’ve come to tattooing perhaps way too early in life. In the years between my 14th and 18th birthdays I acquired between 10-12 (depending on how you look at it) tattoos with my parent’s approval. At that time I took tattoos to be a fashion statement rather then the form of personal express I now view them as many years later. Impulsive as a teen I made a few bad tattooing mistakes (Actually I just made a lot of mistakes in general). But one tattoo in particular was an experience that has affected me throughout my adult life.”

To submit your own experience and get a free account on BME, click here!

From The Vault: My first exposure to flesh removal scarification

Hello Modbloggers, Sean Philips here (IAM: LexTalonis). As one of the new guest contributors to Modblog, one thing I want to do is a regular “From The Vault” feature. Modblog has featured the latest and greatest in mods since it’s inception a few years ago, but there are tons of amazing, classic pictures just growing stagnant in the farthest back pages of BME that really show where we as a community came from, and in some cases, where we could still go.

For my first entry I want to go back to the early 21st century, a time when scarification as an art form was developing rapidly. On Modblog we feature AMAZING scarification pieces that rival tattoos for the amount of detail that they contain, but this super detailed scarification is a very recent addition to the body mod world.

In fact, it wasn’t that long ago that the concept of flesh removal to create an artistic scar wasn’t even common. This piece was my, and several other practitioner’s first exposure to flesh removal. The removal was done by Toro, one of the pioneers of flesh removal scarification. The branding was done by Blair, who is arguably the greatest strike brander in the world.

James Raimar got this huge and amazing piece while myself and others watched in awe over a live video feed. Myself and several others returned home and immediately started  trying out this new technique ourselves and look where scarification has gone! The techniques have improved and the aftercare has VASTLY improved, but it is important to remember where our art came from and this piece was a big part of the modern history of scarification.

Healed Toro/Blair Scarification Piece

Want  a few more pics and some full frontal male nudity?

Here it is one month after being done.


…and where there is nudity, Shawn Porter is sure to be near by!


Told you so

I told you I had more images from Brenno to share. I’m starting to think that when I’m in Milan in January for the Italian conference that I’ll need to make an appointment with him.  I’ve always been meaning to ask him what his IAM page name means. Maybe he’ll share with us in the comments since he participates here on Modblog as well.


See more in Misc. Cuttings (Scarification)